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Retired Operating Systems
From time to time, it becomes necessary for TaxCalc to cease supporting certain versions of computer operating systems. Usually, these are for reasons such as the developer of that operating system stops providing support or security updates. When our official support stops, we stop testing the...
rating 25 Jul, 2024 Views: 3811
Moving older versions of TaxCalc to a new PC (Individual customers)
On occasion you may find that you need to move older versions of TaxCalc (pre-2013) to a new computer. If you purchased the older versions, you can still download and run these versions. Firstly, download and install the required program to the new computer from our website. On the new...
rating 25 Mar, 2025 Views: 3751
How do i change the font size in TaxCalc for the Mac
On occasion users may want to change the test size inside TaxCalc on a Mac. There is no facility inside the program to change the settings, any changes have to be made in the Operating System. Change Display resolution if you have a Mac that permits you to change the display...
rating 18 Mar, 2016 Views: 3679
How do I reset the Hub admin password in TaxCalc
In some cases you may not know, or may need to reset the Hub admin password in TaxCalc. How you reset this will depend upon your TaxCalc licence. Non-Cloud user (Standalone or Network/Server) Open TaxCalc At the login screen, select Problems logging in? Click on I need to reset my admin user...
rating 22 Sep, 2022 Views: 3637
How do I remove the watermark when printing a return?
If you want to remove a watermark from a tax return, you'll need to amend the printing preferences: Open the tax return. Click on Check and Finish. Click on Print or paper file return. Click on Next Step in the HMRC warning message (if applicable). Un-tick Would you like to add a watermark?...
rating 29 Mar, 2022 Views: 3598
Can I store the Postgres database on a remote drive or NAS box?
Storing the database on a remote drive or on a Network attached Storage (NAS) device is not supported by Taxcalc. The data should be on the same device as the one where the Postgres Service is running. Any other configuration is outside the scope for support by TaxCalc. NFS (Network File...
rating 06 Jan, 2017 Views: 3583
How do I move my tax return between two computers to file online? (Individual Users)
To move your tax return between two computers, it is recommended follow these steps: Complete your tax return and save it to a known location using File > Save. To find a tax return that you've already saved, go to My Returns, click on your name and make a note of the file location. Exit...
rating 27 Dec, 2019 Views: 3509
Excluding sites from Proxy Server checking
On some systems user may need to add a website as an exception to their Proxy server. System Admins can exclude the following sites from checking by proxy servers. The main sites users would likely to need to exclude from checking are as follows. * ...
rating 11 Sep, 2018 Views: 3456
How do I view, modify or import old CT600 returns? (Practice customers)
If you want to open a CT600 return made in an earlier version of TaxCalc, follow these steps: Go to Practice Manager. Click on Import Client Select the tax year you wish to import the file from click Continue Choose if you want to import a single return or multiple returns and Browse to...
rating 29 Mar, 2022 Views: 3361
How do I transfer tax return files from Windows to TaxCalc on Mac
If you have already started your returns, it is possible to transfer data from TaxCalc on Windows, as well as import returns directly from Prior years as far back as 2012. Despite this TaxCalc 2012 itself, and earlier versions, will not run on Mac. Returns from 2011/12 or before will need to be...
rating 28 Dec, 2018 Views: 3148
How do I send a screenshot?
On occasion it is helpful to send a screenshot to TaxCalc to help diagnose issues with the program or unexpected results. Creating a Screengrab in Windows To take a screen shot on a Windows machine you will need to: Press the Print screen button (PrtScn) on your keyboard. This will save the...
rating 14 Feb, 2023 Views: 3121
Cannot make a backup when TaxCalc needs updating (CloudConnect customers only)
Some customers have experienced a problem when trying to update their copy of TaxCalc on the TaxCalc CloudConnect platform. The following message is received: Once running v11.15.087 or later, you will also receive the following notification: The program will not let users make a backup...
rating 09 Mar, 2023 Views: 3106
TaxCalc Application not loading on Windows machine when clicking the TaxCalc shortcut icon
If the TaxCalc application does not open, when clicking on the TaxCalc icon, the software is likely stuck in a Windows process on start-up. This can usually be resolved by performing the below steps: Right click the windows Taskbar (usually on the bottom of the screen) and select Task Manager: ...
rating 28 Jun, 2023 Views: 3040
How to fix the TaxCalc display when the High DPI settings are set incorrectly
In some cases users prefer to change the zoom settings in TaxCalc rather than their display settings, However, if too radical a change is made to the Advanced Display Settings (High DPI Support) the TaxCalc display can become garbled. In this case the registry setting that control the High DPI...
rating 27 Dec, 2019 Views: 2930
How to reset the licence details on a Mac
On occasion you may need to reset your licence details on a mac. This may be required if: you have changed your password for the website login and the program is not asking you to enter the new email/password details you get an Error Code 31 telling you the licence details are incorrect, or ...
rating 27 Dec, 2019 Views: 2891

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