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Tax Return Production
Claiming rent a room relief and property allowance
HMRC have confirmed that an individual can claim the property allowance for one property and rent a room relief for another. If rent a room income is below £7,500*, this is very straightforward. In HMRC Forms mode, on page UKP1, tick box 4 (If you are claiming rent a room relief and your rents...
rating 24 Mar, 2020 Views: 4061
HMRC API - Service status & common messages
Below are some common questions, queries and answers regarding the HMRC API facility that can be found within TaxCalc: Who should complete the identity check during authorisation? The identity check should be completed by someone who is authorised to act for your firm. (Details asked include...
rating 30 Oct, 2018 Views: 3889
How to enter multiple trades on the CT600?
Unfortunately, you cannot enter multiple trades on the CT600. Instead you need to enter the combined figures into the computation to show the overall position and then attach a PDF computation for each trade to show the individual computations. This can be done in either SimpleStep or HMRC Forms...
rating 25 Oct, 2022 Views: 3845
How do I make a claim for Enterprise Investment Scheme deferral relief?
Deferral Relief allows you treat the gain as not arising until some future date, if you acquire EIS shares with the proceeds of a disposal of an asset. To claim for Enterprise Investment Scheme (EIS) deferral relief on an Individual tax return, you need to enter details of the asset under...
rating 03 Aug, 2023 Views: 3841
Do I need to report nursery or child care vouchers?
You need to report nursery or child care vouchers if: you don't receive them under the salary sacrifice scheme and you receive more than £55 of vouchers. If you receive your nursery or child care vouchers in exchange for salary under the salary sacrifice scheme, you don't need to disclose...
rating 02 Mar, 2018 Views: 3821
Super Deduction calculations when the period end straddles 1 April 2023
Claiming the super-deduction in a period that straddles 1 April 2023 The rate of the super-deduction will require apportioning if a CT period in which the qualifying expenditure occurs, straddles 1 April 2023. The rate should be apportioned based on days falling prior to 1 April 2023 over the...
rating 13 Sep, 2023 Views: 3814
TaxCalc bookkeeping spreadsheet transaction templates for MTD
To assist you with complying with digital links for MTD reporting, we have produced spreadsheet templates for recording transactions and summarising totals. The totals can then be imported by VAT Filer (for quarterly MTD VAT return submissions) and will be ready to use with Business Filer (for...
rating 29 Sep, 2022 Views: 3745
Where do I enter Special Withholding Tax on a CT600?
To enter Special Withholding Tax on a CT600, follow these instructions: CT600 (2015) Version 3 SimpleStep mode – CT600 Core > Reliefs and deductions in terms of tax > Double taxation relief. HMRC Forms mode – CT600 Core > Page 5 > Box 450. CT600 (2008) Version 2 PLEASE...
rating 29 Mar, 2017 Views: 3720
Where to enter Coronavirus Support Schemes on CT600s
This article will run through where to enter Coronavirus Support Schemes on a CT600. You can enter this information in one of two ways: SimpleStep mode: Coronavirus support schemes and overpayments > boxes 471 - 474 as required. HMRC Forms mode: CT600 Core > Core > Page 5 >...
rating 04 May, 2023 Views: 3699
Entrepreneurs Relief changes from 11 March 2020
Entrepreneur’s Relief- disposals after 11 March 2020 What has changed? Whilst it was announced in the Budget 2020 that the lifetime allowance would be reduced from £10 million to £1million for disposals made on or after 11 March 2020, at the time of writing, there has been no legislative...
rating 24 May, 2023 Views: 3674
Changing your UTR
Your Unique Tax Reference will usually stay with you for good once it has been assigned to you, as this identifies who you are on HMRCs records. There are however, some exceptions. If you are made bankrupt, then a new UTR will be assigned to you. This will come into use the year after your...
rating 22 Sep, 2017 Views: 3654
Where do I enter overlap relief for self employment?
You can only claim overlap relief using the Full Self Employment pages. SimpleStep mode Click on Your Work. Select the Self Employment option. Click on Next step to continue to the Annualised turnover screen. Tick yes to the question Are any of the above true (or do you wish to complete the...
rating 27 Jul, 2020 Views: 3637
How are software enhancements and issues prioritised at TaxCalc?
Every piece of software in every sphere will always have a list of outstanding enhancement requests and issues. We are fortunate that the list for TaxCalc is brief by industry standards and we are able to cover most things on a fairly short cycle due to our above average release frequency....
rating 07 Aug, 2019 Views: 3595
Does TaxCalc calculate Private Residence Relief on Capital Gains Tax?
TaxCalc doesn't calculate Private Residence Relief (PRR) on Capital Gains Tax. You will have to do this manually. You can use the HMRC helpsheet on PRR (from page 6) and the HMRC website to help you with these calculations. If you have any queries on Capital Gains Tax and PRR call the HMRC...
rating 25 Feb, 2015 Views: 3581
My P60 from employment is showing a negative tax deducted figure – where do I enter this?
In certain circumstances, your P60 may show a negative tax deducted figure. HMRC's online filing portal will only allow you to input this within the Employment pages if you have another employment in the year to offset the tax amount again. If you do have a second employment schedule, enter the...
rating 23 Aug, 2023 Views: 3574

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