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folder SA900 Trust Return
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Tax Return Production
10% deduction on foreign pension income
From 06/04/2017 the ruling for 10% foreign pension deduction changed and therefore, you need to ascertain whether you are eligible for the 10% deduction or not. More information on this can be found on the HMRC web page here. By default, the returns from 2019 will not apply the 10% deduction...
rating 09 Apr, 2019 Views: 5015
What is a partnership return or SA800?
Partnership return (SA800) The SA800 is the partnership ‘statement’ that the nominated partner completes to declare: the income sources of the partnership how they are divided amongst the individual partners. It should contain: the Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) of the...
rating 25 Jul, 2023 Views: 4978
How do I complete a CT600 for a property company? (Business users)
To complete a CT600 for a property company, follow these steps: Open the CT600. Go to Company Type (SimpleStep mode) or Information (HMRC Forms mode). Tick the box labelled Should the company be taxed as a Property Business (formerly Schedule A)? Open the Tax Adjusted Profit/(Loss)...
rating 03 Aug, 2020 Views: 4772
How do I make a negligible value claim?
If you own an asset that has become of negligible value – worth next to nothing – you can make a negligible value claim. This will be treated as though you'd sold the asset and immediately reacquired it for an amount equal to its value at the time you made the claim. Before you can make a...
rating 03 Aug, 2020 Views: 4760
How to use the annual pension allowance and contribution details wizard from 2024/25
When should I use the annual pension allowance wizard? If your total pension contributions are close to exceeding your annual pension allowance and/or your pension allowance is likely to be tapered, you can use the wizard to: Calculate excess contributions and possible pension tax charge Keep...
rating 25 Mar, 2025 Views: 4722
TaxCalc doesn't generate a print preview
TaxCalc uses the Adobe pdf file standard as its printing output. This allows you to have more control over the printing options and also allows you to save your tax returns as pdf documents. If you get an error from Adobe Reader when trying to generate a print preview, follow these instructions:...
rating 16 Mar, 2016 Views: 4598
How is Top Slicing Relief calculated after the Finance Bill 2020 changes?
What is Top Slicing Relief? Top Slicing Relief (TSR) hypothetically spreads a chargeable event gain (CEG), such as a gain on a life policy, over the years of the policy, such that the tax is payable as if the CEG had been received in equal amounts every year. It’s not an exact calculation as it...
rating 06 Sep, 2023 Views: 4552
Where do I enter overlap relief for self employment?
You can only claim overlap relief using the Full Self Employment pages. SimpleStep mode Click on Your Work. Select the Self Employment option. Click on Next step to continue to the Annualised turnover screen. Tick yes to the question Are any of the above true (or do you wish to complete the...
rating 27 Jul, 2020 Views: 4482
Error message: 1610 The accounting period for this amended return does not match the records currently held for the company
When you file a Corporation Tax return to HMRC, the system expects the next return to be either an amended return or a new return following on from the last period. If you submit an incorrect period and then try to amend the dates, you'll get the following error message: 1610 Known Facts Check...
rating 21 Sep, 2015 Views: 4441
Tax on COVID grants
During 2020, and continuing throughout 2021, the government provided grants to assist businesses that were affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. How are COVID grants taxed? The legislation confirms that all COVID-19 support scheme payments are taxable under either Income Tax or Corporation Tax...
rating 11 May, 2023 Views: 4402
Entrepreneurs Relief changes from 11 March 2020
Entrepreneur’s Relief- disposals after 11 March 2020 What has changed? Whilst it was announced in the Budget 2020 that the lifetime allowance would be reduced from £10 million to £1million for disposals made on or after 11 March 2020, at the time of writing, there has been no legislative...
rating 24 May, 2023 Views: 4399
I've received a letter from HMRC stating that I've submitted an amended return but no original has been received – what do I do?
An online amendment would've been sent to HMRC if the Amended box was ticked in the online filing settings page when you filled in your original return. If you haven't submitted the original return yet, follow these steps: Click on Check and Finish. Click on File online. Click on Re-submit...
rating 15 Jun, 2016 Views: 4355
Error #5017 - Known Facts Check - Failed to match tax reference
‘SuRF’ (Suspected Repayment Fraud) Letters (FBI error 5017) Error 5017: Failed to match Tax Reference The individuals UTR for this tax return has been ‘blocked’ by HMRC. A repayment claim made in a previous tax year, has failed routine...
rating 05 Apr, 2022 Views: 4320
Private Pensions, Lump Sums and 25% from drawn down pensions
Lump sum payments from a final salary pension are received free of tax and are not entered on the SA100 (individual tax) return. For any draw down payments that have a tax free element (25%), the taxable amount (75%) should be declared on the return as usual. If you are unsure where the pension...
rating 07 Jun, 2023 Views: 4279
How to enter multiple trades on the CT600?
Unfortunately, you cannot enter multiple trades on the CT600. Instead you need to enter the combined figures into the computation to show the overall position and then attach a PDF computation for each trade to show the individual computations. This can be done in either SimpleStep or HMRC Forms...
rating 25 Oct, 2022 Views: 4242

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