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folder SA100 Individual Return
folder SA800 Partnership Return
folder SA900 Trust Return
folder CT600 Corporation Tax Return
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Tax Return Production
10% deduction on foreign pension income
From 06/04/2017 the ruling for 10% foreign pension deduction changed and therefore, you need to ascertain whether you are eligible for the 10% deduction or not. More information on this can be found on the HMRC web page here. By default, the returns from 2019 will not apply the 10% deduction...
rating 09 Apr, 2019 Views: 4798
How do I get my proof of filing?
When you successfully file a return using TaxCalc, you'll get the following receipt. This contains the IR Mark (top left) and is your proof of filing. You can print this receipt for your records or save it as a PDF. To do this, click on Print this FBI receipt. NOTE: You'll also receive...
rating 18 Apr, 2023 Views: 4689
What is a partnership return or SA800?
Partnership return (SA800) The SA800 is the partnership ‘statement’ that the nominated partner completes to declare: the income sources of the partnership how they are divided amongst the individual partners. It should contain: the Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) of the...
rating 25 Jul, 2023 Views: 4572
How to use HMRC Self assessment APIs for Individuals
What are APIs? HMRC have provided a method of obtaining information relevant to the completion of a Tax Return called Application Program Interfaces or APIs. This is the first part of their overall Digital transformation project known as Making Tax Digital. Not an Individual user? The...
rating 07 Feb, 2024 Views: 4530
Where do I enter payments on account?
To enter payments on account, go to the Payments on account section using SimpleStep or HMRC Forms. SimpleStep mode Working out your tax > Payments on account for 2021/22 HMRC Forms mode Tax Details > Statements of account (bottom half of the screen) How are Payments on Account...
rating 06 Jun, 2023 Views: 4460
How do I import accounts data on to the tax return?
To import accounts data on to the tax return, use the instructions below for Corporation Tax, Self Employed or Partnership returns. If you're using HMRC Forms mode, you can use the Excel template at the bottom of this page to help you. Corporation Tax returns If you’re using our Accounts...
rating 28 Sep, 2015 Views: 4374
How do I complete a CT600 for a property company? (Practice users)
To complete a CT600 for a property company, follow these steps: Open the client in Practice Manager. Go to Company Information. Tick Company is a Property Business (formerly schedule A taxation). Create or open the CT600. Go to Company Type (SimpleStep mode) or Information (HMRC Forms...
rating 29 Mar, 2022 Views: 4339
How do I allocate profit and loss between partners in my SA800 return?
If your SA800 partnership return shows a profit and a loss for different partners, you will need to reallocate profits for all the partners because the rules state you cannot have a mix of profit and loss to be distributed between partners. All partners need to have either a loss or a profit. Once...
rating 30 Apr, 2022 Views: 4319
TaxCalc doesn't generate a print preview
TaxCalc uses the Adobe pdf file standard as its printing output. This allows you to have more control over the printing options and also allows you to save your tax returns as pdf documents. If you get an error from Adobe Reader when trying to generate a print preview, follow these instructions:...
rating 16 Mar, 2016 Views: 4289
How do I make a negligible value claim?
If you own an asset that has become of negligible value – worth next to nothing – you can make a negligible value claim. This will be treated as though you'd sold the asset and immediately reacquired it for an amount equal to its value at the time you made the claim. Before you can make a...
rating 03 Aug, 2020 Views: 4284
Tax on COVID grants
During 2020, and continuing throughout 2021, the government provided grants to assist businesses that were affected by the Coronavirus pandemic. How are COVID grants taxed? The legislation confirms that all COVID-19 support scheme payments are taxable under either Income Tax or Corporation Tax...
rating 11 May, 2023 Views: 4228
I've received a letter from HMRC stating that I've submitted an amended return but no original has been received – what do I do?
An online amendment would've been sent to HMRC if the Amended box was ticked in the online filing settings page when you filled in your original return. If you haven't submitted the original return yet, follow these steps: Click on Check and Finish. Click on File online. Click on Re-submit...
rating 15 Jun, 2016 Views: 4219
How to complete the entries for notice of consent (CT600C) using V3 Form
CT600C Group and Consortium This article covers the V3 form of CT600 If you are completing the group and consortium pages to either claim or surrender losses for group relief, you may have to add a notice of consent form, if there is no simplified arrangement in place. Simplified...
rating 12 Feb, 2021 Views: 4115
Error message: 1610 The accounting period for this amended return does not match the records currently held for the company
When you file a Corporation Tax return to HMRC, the system expects the next return to be either an amended return or a new return following on from the last period. If you submit an incorrect period and then try to amend the dates, you'll get the following error message: 1610 Known Facts Check...
rating 21 Sep, 2015 Views: 4068
How do I complete a CT600 for a property company? (Business users)
To complete a CT600 for a property company, follow these steps: Open the CT600. Go to Company Type (SimpleStep mode) or Information (HMRC Forms mode). Tick the box labelled Should the company be taxed as a Property Business (formerly Schedule A)? Open the Tax Adjusted Profit/(Loss)...
rating 03 Aug, 2020 Views: 4061

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