Can I migrate from a Standalone database to CloudConnect?

Article ID: 2632
Last updated: 04 Feb, 2020

It is possible to migrate a standalone database to the CloudConnect environment however, the database format must be converted first. This is because the cloud structure requires a different format to that of a standalone database. Therefore, a member of the technical team will be involved to help manage the process for you. The amount of time taken to convert the data will vary depending on how many databases need migrating and the number of machines that require access to the CloudConnect server.

Cost of Migrations

There is a charge for migration from a standalone instance of TaxCalc to CloudConnect. If there are multiple databases this will incur an increased cost. Please contact your account manager via for more information.

Multiple Databases

If there is more than one database that needs migrating, we would recommend reading our article for Merging of Multiple Databases - How it Works

Article ID: 2632
Last updated: 04 Feb, 2020
Revision: 30
Views: 1388
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