How do I merge clients in my list?

Article ID: 2249
Last updated: 27 Sep, 2022

It is good practice for all TaxCalc users to work from a single database.  

Previous versions of the program have allowed multiple installations to exist however going forward to fully take advantage of new and forthcoming modules and products it is highly advantageous to work from a single source.

We currently offer a Merge of data service. Merge of Data - What happens next

For smaller datasets that only use the Tax return Production module the following steps can be completed through TaxCalc to extract your data.

Once extracted this information can be imported into another TaxCalc database. 

Secondary database Extract tax return data:

  1. Go to Admin Centre > Database > Backup Database to create a backup.
  2. Open Tax return production and select a client.
  3. Select the relevant tax year.
  4. Select Exporting then Save a Copy. Choose or create a folder to export the returns into.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for each tax year.
  6. Repeat steps 2 - 5 for each client you wish to move.

Primary database Import tax return data:

When the tax return is imported into TaxCalc a client will automatically be created in Practice Manager. 

  1. Go to Admin Centre > Database > Backup Database to create a backup.
  2. Select Practice Manager > Import Client.
  3. Select the earliest tax year you wish to import for.
  4. Choose and point to the folder containing all extracted returns.
  5. Exclude CT600 returns and continue through the import wizard.
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 until the final tax year has been imported.
  7. Select Import client and Rerun the wizard excluding all returns types apart from CT600 returns.

Postings within Accounts Production can be exported by following the instructions detailed within this Knowledge Base article. How do I move an Accounts Production client from one TaxCalc database to another?

Information from the following modules cannot be exported.

  • Relationships
  • Client Notes
  • VAT Filer 
  • HMRC Forms (64-8, SA303, CT41G)
  • E-Sign
  • Companies House Forms
  • AML Identity Checking Service
  • Company Incorporator
  • Companies House Forms
  • Tasks
  • Custom Fields
Article ID: 2249
Last updated: 27 Sep, 2022
Revision: 10
Views: 1059
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item How do I move an Accounts Production client from one TaxCalc database to another?