Merge of Data - overview

Article ID: 3147
Last updated: 28 Nov, 2023

It is good practice for all TaxCalc users to work from a single database.  

Previous versions of the program have allowed multiple installations to exist however going forward to fully take advantage of new and forthcoming modules and products it is highly advantageous to work from a single source.

We cannot currently merge databases in their entirety, instead select data can be exported from the additional database and then imported into the primary database. 

This information can currently be exported from an additional database.

Practice Manager
Individual, Partnership, Company and Trust clients and their basic standing data.

Tax Return Production
All tax return types (SA100, SA800, SA900 and CT600) exported in bulk. Filing history is stored within the tax returns and will therefore also be transferred.

Accounts Production
All postings in an audit trail format for each Accounting Period, this does not include filing history.
Accounts data is not imported as part of the Merge process. Accounts data can be imported using the Accounts Production import wizard.
How to import a TaxCalc Audit Trail following a Merge of data

1. Provide database backups.
If you are using the standalone or network version of TaxCalc contact the support line to transfer your backup files securely through a remote session. 
CloudConnect customers need to provide authorisation from the registered email address for a cloud backup to be used.

2. Merge of Data.
Data will be exported from the secondary database in bulk and then bulk imported into the Primary database.

3. Upload / Restore of new Primary database.
The new database will be uploaded to CloudConnect or restored locally on your TaxCalc server.

Article ID: 3147
Last updated: 28 Nov, 2023
Revision: 19
Views: 1392
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