Scaling TaxCalc on High resolution (HiDPI) Displays

Article ID: 2666
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2023

In some cases high resolution (also known as HiDPI) displays may not display as intended. This problem is exacerbated on physically smaller Hi resolution displays normally found on tablets and laptops.

TaxCalc are working to address this with the forthcoming implementation of a new toolset that will allow us to work with HiDPI displays seamlessly. Until this time the following process should resolve most of the issues associated with HiDPI displays and TaxCalc.

  1. Right Hand click on the TaxCalc shortcut
  2. Click Copy
  3. move the cursor to a blank part of the desktop and Right Hand click, choosing the Paste Shortcut option
  4. Rename the Shortcut to TaxCalcHub - HiDPI
  5. Right Hand click this icon and choose the Properties Option
  6. in Target move the cursor to the end of the path and append the text -platform windows:dpiawareness=0
  7. The shortcut will show "C:\Program Files (x86)\Acorah Software Products\TaxCalcHub\TaxCalcHub.exe" -platform windows:dpiawareness=0
  8. Apply this change
  9. Click OK

Selecting this new shortcut should now display the TaxCalc program in a more HiDPI friendly manner.

Article ID: 2666
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2023
Revision: 39
Views: 1481
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