How to install the Mac version of TaxCalc

Article ID: 2479
Last updated: 22 Feb, 2023

The process to install the Mac version is the same for Individual and Practice users. The installation does not use an installer file as such but instead copies the application into the applications folder and then runs the configuration when the program is started. You can use this guide to install a new version or to update an existing copy of TaxCalc.

  1. Click Here to get to the TaxCalc website downloads page, then click 'Download for Mac' version of TaxCalc. Depending upon the version of TaxCalc you have, you may be offered TaxCalc for multiple platforms.

If you see the below message, click 'Allow':

  1. When the download is complete, you should see the spring loaded download folder in the dock 'bounce'.
  2. Open this download folder and select the TaxCalchub installer file.
    1. In older versions of OSX, you may not have the download folder in the dock. Open the Finder and browse to the download folder (which should be shown on the left hand side) to select the TaxCalc installer.
    2. Some machines may automatically unpack the installer, in which case you will be taken directly to the next step.


  1. Once the file is run, it will unpack a disk image and display a folder on screen.


  1. Drag the TaxCalcHub icon over the applications folder and let go to drop it into Applications.
  2. If you already have TaxCalc installed you will see the following message. Click on Replace.


  1. The mounted disk image can now be removed from the desktop. Right-hand click and Eject it (or drag to the Recycler or Trash).


  1. Open TaxCalc from the Applications folder (or Launchpad).
  2. Depending on your security settings you may receive a message as per below. Click on Open.


  1.  You are now prompted to configure the program before it runs. Follow the on screen prompts to start using TaxCalc.


  1. If the program already existed, the configuration steps will be skipped.
Article ID: 2479
Last updated: 22 Feb, 2023
Revision: 14
Views: 5333
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folder Technical -> Updating TaxCalc
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