Can I safely uninstall old (previous years) versions of TaxCalc? (Individual, Business and Practice users)

Article ID: 857
Last updated: 16 Nov, 2021

If you wish to remove older versions of TaxCalc from your machine, this can be done and the uninstallation leaves the data files themselves untouched. 

You may uninstall these earlier versions of the TaxCalc program using Add/Remove Programs or Uninstall/Change (depending on your operating system).

If you wish to carry on using the current version of TaxCalc, then only programs up to and including the 2012 version of TaxCalc can be removed. After 2012, TaxCalc is a single platform product which incorporates the latest compliance requirements and improvements.

Please note the following:

  • Ensure your data files are backed up. You may wish to refer to this data at a later date and the files can be used to import some data into next year’s return. See the table below for all file extensions for pre-2013 data files.
  • If you ever need to access the return data in the future, the old versions of the software will be available as a download from your products page on our website, together with the licence codes to permit installation. Alternatively, we recommend that you keep a PDF copy of all of the returns, so that these are more easily accessible from your machine. For further information on how to do this, please see our Knowledge Base article for How do I print a copy of my return?
Return Type Previous Years 2010-11 2011-12
SA100 Individual .s06 .s07 .s08 .s09 .tcs10 .tcs12
SA800 Partnership .p06 .p07 .p08 .p09 .tcp10 .tcp12
SA900 Trust .t06 .t07 .t08 .t09 .tct10 .tct12
CT600 Company .c04 .ct .ct
Article ID: 857
Last updated: 16 Nov, 2021
Revision: 11
Views: 1376
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