Article ID: 3272
Last updated: 20 Feb, 2023
When you initially purchase CloudConnect, TaxCalc will take your original database file (usually a backup) and convert this into a format which can then be hosted on our CloudConnect servers. Therefore, the CloudConnect database is not in a format that can be directly restored into a local configuration and a de-cloud is required to provide you with a backup file that you can directly access. The de-cloud process will take a copy of the data held on our CloudConnect servers (at a pre-agreed date), and then a process is followed by our Technical team to convert this file from cloud format to network format which then allows this to be locally hosted on a chosen machine. Please note that the de-cloud can only be restored to a Windows-based Network installation. As this requires input from our Technical team, this is a service which needs to be discussed with the Sales team in the first instance. To do this, please contact our Sales team via or by calling 0345 5190 883. Once the de-cloud product has been purchased, a time will then be booked in with the Technical team to run the above process and transfer the backup in network format. Once you have de-clouded, you would no longer be using the CloudConnect licence.
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