TaxCalc crashes during installation, updating or running the software (OpenGL)

Article ID: 2810
Last updated: 15 Feb, 2023

For security and functionality reasons, TaxCalc have upgraded some of the components used in the program. In a small number of cases the graphics drivers used on some machines can cause unexpected issues, and one of the following errors may occur when installing, updating or running the software: 



To correct this error an entry needs to be made in the TaxCalc specific part of the registry, to configure the way your computer uses the OpenGL component for TaxCalc.

There are three ways to make this change,

  1. Using the TaxCalc Configuration tool 
  2. Edit the registry directly to insert a value that allows the program to work
  3. Download and double-click on a reg file that inserts the correct settings into the registry

Using the TaxCalc Configuration tool

  1. Download the TaxCalc Configuration tool from the following link TaxCalc Configuration tool
  2. Make sure TaxCalc is closed.
  3. Run the tool. You should see the window below

  1. By default TaxCalc will have applied the Enable 3D Acceleration (Preferred) option during the installation. If you are therefore continuing to have difficulties, please attempt to select Use Angle rendering mode first.
  2. Select Reset HiDPI Settings
  3. Close the TaxCalc Configuration tool and open TaxCalc, it should now display as expected
  4. If this does not work, please re-open the TaxCalc Configuration tool
  5. Please now attempt to select Use Software rendering
  6. Close the TaxCalc Configuration tool and open TaxCalc, it should now display as expected

Please Note: if the tool cannot be downloaded or run as above, then users may need to choose one of the other options to reset the registry values.

Edit the Registry directly

  1. Open the registry editor.
  2. Browse to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Acorah Software Products\TaxCalcHub.
  3. If the OpenGL mode key exists, double-click on it and change the value data field from 0 to 2, then click OK.
  4. Close the registry editor and open TaxCalc. It should now function as expected.

Please Note: The values can be 0 (Use software rendering), 1 (Use angle rendering mode) or 2 (Enable 3D acceleration). If one value does not work, try the other options until you find the one best suited to your environment.

In some cases there will be no key to edit. In this case it is best to go to the Download and apply the registry file directly option below and insert the key directly from a reg file as provided.

Download and apply the registry file 

Below are keys to cover all 3 Open GL modes. The option for Enable 3D acceleration is most likely to resolve the issue for the majority of users.

In order to apply the registry setting, download the relevant file and run it. You will be asked to confirm and apply the update. Once complete, TaxCalc should work as expected.

Important: In some cases the browser will open the file and display some text on screen instead of downloading it. if this happens right hand click on the link and save as or save link as.

if TaxCalc still doesn't work, try the other registry options above until you find the one that resolves the issue in your environment.

Please Note: Some computers may have security options set to disallow the download of reg files. If this is the case, please contact TaxCalc Support for further assistance. If you are unclear how to apply the resolution or amend your registry, contact your office administrator or IT technician before trying to make any changes.

Please note: If you are experiencing any blank screens in TaxCalc or if TaxCalc is not displaying as expected, please see our Knowledge Base article for: How to change the Advanced Display Settings within TaxCalc if the software does not display as expected

Article ID: 2810
Last updated: 15 Feb, 2023
Revision: 23
Views: 14446
This article was:  

Also read
item Known issues in the latest released version of TaxCalc
item How to change the Advanced Display Settings within TaxCalc if the software does not display as expected

Also listed in
folder Technical -> Download/Install
folder Technical -> Moving TaxCalc
folder Technical -> Updating TaxCalc