Moving TaxCalc to a new computer (Individual, Partnership and Limited Company users)

Article ID: 2216
Last updated: 25 Mar, 2025

On the Old PC

Before starting you should know the location of the data files. Start the TaxCalc program and select a file within an appropriate year. The file location will be shown in the ‘File Info’ at the bottom of the screen.

In the example shown above, the information for John Smith's 2024 individual return is found in the path listed above.

  • SA100 individual returns for 2025 will have file extension .tcs25
  • SA800 partnership returns for 2025 will have a file extension of .tcp25
  • SA900 trust returns for 2025 will have an extension of .tct25

With the number on the end of the extension representing the tax year.

Back these files up to a memory stick or other device before going further. Simply browse to the file location and either right-click and copy - paste or right-click Send to the device you want to send the files to.

Once there is a backup of your data files, you will then need to uninstall the program from the old PC: In the search button type uninstall, select uninstall a program, then select TaxCalc and uninstall it.

PLEASE NOTE: It is preferable to uninstall the program as TaxCalc is only licensed for use on one machine at a time. You are permitted two installations side by side to allow for situations where the main machine cannot be accessed for whatever reason. The software that is purchased is licensed to the purchaser and only they are permitted to complete and file tax returns.

IMPORTANT: Uninstalling TaxCalc does not remove the actual data files from the old PC, just the program files. Data is left intact.

On the New PC

Download and install the program from the TaxCalc website. Go to and login to your account using your email address and password. From the My Account page, click on the appropriate links to download TaxCalc.

Install and then license TaxCalc by following the onscreen instructions.

You will need to make one choice that affects the location of the database.

  • Choosing just me will put the database in your profile path.
  • Choosing all users will put the data into the c:\taxcalchub\sqlite path.

Once TaxCalc is running on the new PC you need to transfer the tax return data files from the media you copied them to before uninstall. It is probably easiest to copy all files to the Documents Folder (Win7, Win8 or Win10) on the new PC.

  1. Start TaxCalc on the new computer.
  2. Open the relevant tax year.
  3. Click on File > Open from the top toolbar.
  4. Browse to the folder containing the transferred tax return files.
  5. Open the file you wish to use, then close it.
  6. When you next start TaxCalc the file will be listed.
  7. Repeat this process for different files if required.

Alternatively, you can browse to the folder where the returns are kept and simply double-click on the return - this opens it in TaxCalc and creates the necessary link.

If you need to move pre-2013 versions of TaxCalc, please see the Knowledge Base article Moving older versions of TaxCalc to a new PC (Personal users)

Article ID: 2216
Last updated: 25 Mar, 2025
Revision: 23
Views: 44681
This article was:  

Also read
item How do I download TaxCalc?
item Moving older versions of TaxCalc to a new PC (Individual customers)
item Error Licensing application - Error Code 36: "You have exceeded your permitted copies of TaxCalc..."

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folder Technical -> Moving TaxCalc