How do I transfer tax return files from Windows to TaxCalc on Mac

Article ID: 2147
Last updated: 28 Dec, 2018

If you have already started your returns, it is possible to transfer data from TaxCalc on Windows, as well as import returns directly from Prior years as far back as 2012. Despite this TaxCalc 2012 itself, and earlier versions, will not run on Mac. Returns from 2011/12 or before will need to be accessed by hard copy, saved PDF or via a Windows version of TaxCalc for that year.

To transfer tax return files from TaxCalc on Windows to TaxCalc on Mac:

  1. Save the tax return file onto your PC.
  2. Transfer the file to the Mac via an external drive or another method 
  3. Open TaxCalc on your Mac.
  4. Select File.
  5. Select Open and find the tax return file that you previously saved.

To import returns from previous years (2012 onwards) to create the following years return, ensure your Mac can see the tax return file and then:

  1. Open TaxCalc on your Mac.
  2. Select the icon for the year you need to create the return for and then ‘Import Returns from TaxCalc…’.
  3. Follow the steps within the wizard to import data from your previous year’s tax return

If you are unsure of the filing location, or have more than one copy of a return, open TaxCalc on your Windows PC and view your returns. You will need to click on the return that has been ‘Filed Online’ and make a note of the ‘File location’. This is the return which would need to be transferred to the Mac.

Note that the tax return file must be on the same software version for both operating systems otherwise the file will not open after it has been transferred. This means that TaxCalc on both Windows and Mac, must be running the latest build.

For information on how to download and install the Mac version which includes tax years ending 5th April 2013 onwards, and move data across please see

How to install the Mac version of TaxCalc

How do I migrate between different operating systems?

Article ID: 2147
Last updated: 28 Dec, 2018
Revision: 9
Views: 3136
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item How do I move to a new computer, including to a different operating system?

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folder Technical -> Moving TaxCalc
folder Technical -> Mac