How do I reset the Hub admin password in TaxCalc

Article ID: 2040
Last updated: 22 Sep, 2022

In some cases you may not know, or may need to reset the Hub admin password in TaxCalc. How you reset this will depend upon your TaxCalc licence.

Non-Cloud user (Standalone or Network/Server)

  • Open TaxCalc
  • At the login screen, select Problems logging in?
  • Click on I need to reset my admin user password on the pop up screen
  • Click Reset to continue
  • You will now need to check your emails for correspondence from TaxCalc (if this doesn't appear in your inbox, you may need to check your spam/junk folder). This will be labelled TaxCalc Password Restore.
  • When opening this email, you can click on the link for Click here to reset your Hub admin account password which will prompt you to complete the reset on a web page.
  • Once this is complete, you can then close the web page.
  • A TaxCalc window should still be open showing Reset Password - Step 2. When clicking Close, this should restart TaxCalc. If TaxCalc doesn't automatically start, you will need to manually start TaxCalc in the usual way.

IMPORTANT. if there is no internet connection when attempting the password reset, the following message will be shown.

Password Reset Failed

There was a problem requesting the password reset email. You can try again using the retry button below or just cancel and contact taxcalc support if the problem persists.

CloudConnect User:

If you have CloudConnect, the main account holder will be able to log on to the TaxCalc website to amend the "admin" password. 

  1. Go to
  2. Log in with your email address and password
  3. Verify the two factor authentication (2FA)
  4. Once logged in, click on My Account > Edit My Details.
  5. From the left hand menu, select Edit Admin User Password
  6. Reset the password on screen as required.
  7. Logout of the website.
  8. Restart TaxCalc before attempting to use the new Admin Password.

Alternatively, you will have the option as above to reset the admin password via the application, as above. 

Article ID: 2040
Last updated: 22 Sep, 2022
Revision: 6
Views: 3581
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item TaxCalc and passwords