Get TaxCalc 2004 working on Windows 7, 8 or 10

Article ID: 2030
Last updated: 11 Sep, 2018

Install the program as normal (download can be found here TaxCalc 2004)

NOTE - Do not choose to run the program when the installer finishes.

  • Right hand Click on the TaxCalc 2004 Icon which should now be on the desktop
  • Click Troubleshoot Compatibility. The compatibility troubleshooter should open
  • Select Try recommended settings
  • Click Test the program
  • When the program starts users should be shown a Windows Security screen before they can use it - click Yes then the program should open.
  • Close TaxCalc 2004 Users will be taken back to the troubleshooter.
  • Click Next
  • Select Yes, save these settings for this program
  • Click Close the troubleshooter

TaxCalc 2004 can now be opened.

IMPORTANT TaxCalc have not carried out regression testing on this program on platforms later than Windows XP and cannot guarantee the functionality of the 2004 product in Vista, Win7/8 or 10.

Also please note that Windows XP and Vista are no longer supported by Microsoft and are considered 'unsafe' to use for security reasons 

Article ID: 2030
Last updated: 11 Sep, 2018
Revision: 4
Views: 742
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