How to use Steps Recorder to help support resolve an issue

Article ID: 2031
Last updated: 27 Dec, 2019

Steps recorder (or problem steps recorder) is a handy tool built in to Windows7, 8 and 10 to help support technicians resolve issues on remote machines

If you are encountering an issue and need to walk a technician through the steps then recording the process in steps recorder can be very helpful.

Close any other windows you have open - Steps Recorder records screenshots and you may not wish to have other details visible on screen.

  • Go to START and in the search window type psr and press return (Steps recorder can also be found in programs - Windows accessories)
  • A small window opens


  • Click Start Record
  • Run through the process you wish to show to the technician, make sure any error messages appear on screen.
  • When finished click Stop Record
  • Click on Save and choose a save location.
  • Then attach this to an email and send to TaxCalc

More information can be found at

Article ID: 2031
Last updated: 27 Dec, 2019
Revision: 8
Views: 1048
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