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Accounts Production
Advanced Rounding Rules - Fixed Assets
Where Apply advanced rounding rules has been selected, a check will be made on the un-rounded and rounded totals of Cost and separately of Depreciation/Amortisation of each Fixed Assets. Where a difference occurs, the rounding amount will be allocated to an account code within Cost and...
rating 13 Aug, 2020 Views: 508
Drill-down – view and edit underlying financial information relating to values displayed in your Full/Registrar Financial Statements
When viewing your full and registrar financial statements in “Edit Mode”, you’re now able to access and edit the underlying financial information relating to values displayed in the reports. When the report is generated, select the button to “Switch to Edit Mode” and you’ll notice that...
rating 02 Dec, 2024 Views: 498
Advanced Rounding Rules – Directors Loan Account
When Apply advanced rounding rules has been selected a check will be made on the un-rounded and rounded totals of each Director within each DLA account code. Where a difference occurs the rounding amount will be allocated to the first Director with a balance within the same account code. For...
rating 13 Aug, 2020 Views: 481
How can I identify which notes (under Edit Notes) are required by company law (FRS 102 1A)?
Filter options are available within Edit Notes (from version 6.2); the combo-box includes options show only notes that are required by law (aka mandatory) OR encouraged by FRS (applies to FRS 102 1A only); and another to show only notes that are on OR off (all standards). The addition of these...
rating 15 Feb, 2018 Views: 465
Why can I no longer generate Abbreviated Accounts?
Abbreviated Accounts can still be generated for filing at Companies House for accounting periods starting before 1 January 2016.However, as part of the changes to the Small Companies Regime, the option to prepare Abbreviated Accounts was removed and therefore can no longer be applied for periods...
rating 06 Feb, 2018 Views: 464
Unable to connect to FreeAgent – Unable to fetch trial balance
When connecting to FreeAgent in Accounts Production, users may see Unable to fetch TrialBalance, Error: An error has occurred – please contact support if this error persists’ message. This error occurs if a user has not been set with the correct permissions within FreeAgent. Users will need...
rating 12 Dec, 2018 Views: 461
Where do I enter Filing Credentials for Accounts Production?
To enter and store your credentials for Accounts Production please follow the instructions below: For your Firm's details: Launch Admin Centre > Applications Click on Accounts Production > Customise Accounts Click on Online filing (Companies House) on the left Enter your Presenter ID...
rating 27 Jun, 2024 Views: 456
How do I send Accounts to TaxCalc
In some cases when you have a query, the TaxCalc support team may need to look at your account postings. You can send this accounts data by following these steps: Open the Accounting period. Select Reports > Audit Trail. Select Export Report from the top right of the page. Chose...
rating 12 Jul, 2017 Views: 454
Why do I now have to enter the total average number of employees?
To make sure the most appropriate tagging has been applied to the Average number of employees note it is now required that the total average number of employees is entered into specified fields within Edit Notes (instead of as an addition to the default text provided). Entering the total number...
rating 26 Mar, 2020 Views: 449
Why have some of my notes been turned off/excluded after updating?
We’ve listened to customer feedback with regards the default inclusion of selected notes. As a result, a review of all notes has been carried out and on version 6.2 the master defaults have been updated to only include (either automatically or where relevant postings exist) those notes that are...
rating 06 Feb, 2018 Views: 446
Where can I find information on preparation of accounts under COVID-19?
In this uncertain climate companies are having to consider how the impact of COVID-19 affects their business and how these affects should be reported in the accounts. This will require some additional disclosures to explain how recent events are affecting their business. To include the relevant...
rating 04 Jun, 2020 Views: 408
How do I show “Cost or Valuation” on the Fixed Assets notes?
The Intangible and Tangible Fixed Asset notes will make reference to “Cost or Valuation” automatically where a posting to has been made to a revaluation account code in the year (on any asset). Should revaluation have taken place in previous years, to continue to refer to “Cost or...
rating 26 Mar, 2020 Views: 396
Why isn't the Export button working in Accounts Production?
If the Export button isn't working in Accounts Production this is likely due to a space (carriage return) at the end of the company name or company registration number within Client Information. First, go into Practice Manager and follow these steps: Double-click on the name of the client. ...
rating 17 Oct, 2019 Views: 392
How do I hide the user column on an exported CSV file?
If no figures appear when you try to import using TaxCalc's default import maps, this may be because the user column is showing in your CSV file. To hide the user column you can either delete it manually on the file or you can change the global setting to not include this option when exporting....
rating 23 Sep, 2015 Views: 378
Producing a Multiple-Year Trial Balance
To produce a multiple-year trial balance, within Accounts Production select Reports > Trial Balance. Select Customise. The options are available to include additional periods and/or produce a column for Variance £ or %.
rating 04 Jul, 2023 Views: 373

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