How do I change the password for a user?

Article ID: 2829
Last updated: 07 Jul, 2020

Please see below the step by step instructions on how to change a password for TaxCalc users (other than admin).  

Step 1: Log into TaxCalc as the admin user

Open TaxCalc and log in with your admin username and password

Step 2: Open Admin

Launch Admin from the home screen.

Step 3: Open the Users Admin Panel

When Administration opens, select Users from the left-hand menu.

The screen will show the user accounts that have already been created. If TaxCalc has just been installed it will just show the admin account.

Step 4: Reset Password

Right click on the username you want to change the password for. Enter the password you want them to use. 

Please Note: If you are resetting someone else's password, this is a one use password and will have to be changed the first time the user tries to log in  

Click on Reset.

The next time someone logs in using the relevant username, they need to enter the password you set in Step 4 above. They will then be prompted to set their own password that they will use going forward.

Article ID: 2829
Last updated: 07 Jul, 2020
Revision: 6
Views: 1455
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