Known issues in the latest released version of TaxCalc

Article ID: 2633
Last updated: 27 Mar, 2025

Below is a list of notable issues that have been reported in recent versions of TaxCalc since their release. Other issues may exist that have not yet been confirmed or investigated, or are trivial/cosmetic. This should be read in conjunction with our article How are software enhancements and issues prioritised at TaxCalc?

Accounts Production

Issue Description Workaround Case reference

Resolution schedule

Companies House Filing Log is not listing clients since updating to Spring 2025 version Open each individual set of accounts / form / incorporation > Check and Finish > Online Filing History > Double click on the relevant submission attempt in the table > Check Status PROD-13639 TBC
FRS105 - to display Accrual and Deferred Income as a separate disclosure n/a PROD-13281 Released in v16.1.300
Import from third party may fail where the year end is 29/02/2024.

A. Change the TaxCalc year-end to 28/02/2024 for the import to work and then enter the additional day (29/02/2024) manually.

B. Import via CSV

PROD-11654 TBC

“Balance at the end of the period on the provisions for liabilities note for deferred tax do not agree to the balance on the balance sheet”

C&F is incorrectly generated where no postings are made to Provisions for Liabilities account codes

Ignore the message providing the values in the TB and Balance Sheet agree, if so this won’t prevent filing PROD-10500 TBC
Lead schedules - Capital & Reserves schedule omitted for companies and LLPs applying FRS 102 1A

Account Setup - Statement preferences - Include ‘Statement of changes in equity’ - this willl trigger the Reserves schedule in the Lead Schedule report as well as add an additional ‘Statement of changes in equity’ statement in financial statements.
User can change the statement of preference back to its default after reviewing the Lead schedule. 

TPL – In some cases the Profit/Loss for the financial year is removed when posting to taxation account is deleted Post a reversing journal to one of the taxation codes so it nets off to nil (eg debit code 3800 £100 credit code 3800 £100) and rerun the accounts. PROD-7128 TBC
In some cases, check and finish is reporting the Total comprehensive income in SCE does not match SCI when a prior year adjustment is posted If you are happy with the entries the warning can be ignored. PROD-6296 TBC
Posting batch screen is too big and cannot be resized Drag the corner of the window of the posting batch screen to resize PROD-642 TBC

Tax Return Production

Issue Description Workaround Case reference Resolution schedule
CT600 - Losses utilised against current profit is removed from trading losses screen n/a PROD-12917 Released in v16.1.200
SA900 - Tax Summary total due for 31 January 2025 may show as zero when a payment is due n/a PROD-12798 Released in v16.0.110
SA100 - UK Property. An incorrect validation may appear under Check and Finish around property losses are available to offset against FHL profift n/a PROD-12623 Released in v16.0.110
CT600 - R&D - In some scenarios the loss Surrendered Pre and Post April 1 2023 are entered in the wrong way around. Manually overwrite the boxes. PROD-12348 Released in v16.0.110
CT600 / Loan to Participators - Incorrect validation and check and finish on the repayment date after 9 months  The validation can ignored and submission continued. PROD-11571 Released in v16.0.110
Read only message appearing in Notifications Panel (Non-practice users) Usage of the application is retained so users can ignore the Notification and proceed with required entries. PROD-5165 TBC

Other modules/General

Issue Description Workaround Case reference Resolution schedule
In some cases the Work Item Status Widgets are returning 0's. This is a display issue, but requires an update to resolve. PROD-13640 TBC
Add to Esign Envelope resulting may result in a Warning and unable to add the document. Use Add and Open, or go to Esign to start the envelope PROD-13579 TBC
Tax Work Status report - including Date Last Saved may cause the report to show incorrect information Untick Date Last Saved until resolved. PROD-12188 Released in v16.0.110
CS01 - Filing Error #9999 "Invalidelement AcceptLawfulPurposeStatement" for forms dated before 5 March 2024 Please email support quoting PROD-11404 ( where one of the team can review and advise accordingly. PROD-11404 contact support
VAT Dates not showing on Job even though the business section is set up Edit the job and untick the 'Set client work is ticked' > save and the dates will pull through PROD-8322 TBC
Company Incorporator Locking an incorporation generates Check and Finish messages for missing security information  The missing information has been submitted to Companies House and does not require re-entering when manually polling for a response. PROD-7319 TBC


Issue Description Workaround Case reference Resolution schedule

In some cases when updating you receive a message

Error: duplicate key value violates unique constraint “uidx_accountingreportnotetemplate


Download and install v16.1.300 or contact PROD-13058 Released in v16.1.300
In some cases restoring a backup results with a connection error message. Update to latest release on the source machine and create a new backup. PROD-12824 Released in v16.1.200
HealthCheck too large to send through TaxCalc. How to send a Health Check report PROD-7332 TBC
2FA QR code does not appear after disabling then re-enabling the service. How to Reset the Two-Factor Authentication Details PROD-6417 TBC
2FA Generated authentication codes are incorrect. How do I synchronize my system date and time to use authentication applications N/A N/A
"There is no application set to open the document" when double clicking on a 2021 return on a Mac system. Select Choose Application and choose TaxCalcHub. PROD-5842 TBC
Unable to resize windows Check your scaling in your display settings on windows.  PROD-642 TBC
Display or size issues with TaxCalc on Windows computers Please see Knowledge Base article on: TaxCalc display is too large after update. N/A N/A
Error updating database after restoring an old database into the latest version of TaxCalc Please see Knowledge Base article on: Error Updating Database after restoring from an old backup file. PROD-4777 N/A
Linux / Linux distributions Fetch process does not complete. A blank screen is shown when trying to fetch a new VAT token. PROD-5408,
Article ID: 2633
Last updated: 27 Mar, 2025
Revision: 217
Views: 39039
This article was:  

Also read
item How are software enhancements and issues prioritised at TaxCalc?
item TaxCalc display is too large after update.
item Cannot make a backup when TaxCalc needs updating (CloudConnect customers only)
item TaxCalc crashes during installation, updating or running the software (OpenGL)