Practice Manager
How do I use the Data Mine wizard?
The Data Mine wizard enables you to filter your entire client database by specific criteria. For example, you can search for anyone who is due to make a payment on account. You can access the Data Mine wizard in Administration, Report Manager or the Communications Centre. Once you've created a...
rating 02 Dec, 2024 Views: 19584
How to change the Advanced Display Settings within TaxCalc if the software does not display as expected
We are aware that on some machines with particular graphics cards/drivers or on Terminal Server configurations, the program may not behave as expected. Some users have reported blank screens and others have reported that the program will crash when trying to select a tax return or open a set of...
rating 15 Feb, 2023 Views: 11144
64-8 Setup, Usage and Guidance
The below information will go through the process of applying for authorisation to act on behalf of your clients. The heading below will allow you to skip to the relevant section (if applicable): Completing the 64-8 form. What happens after successful activation of the 64-8? Potential issues...
rating 06 Feb, 2025 Views: 10832
Setting up a new machine or user on CloudConnect for the first time
The following steps should allow users to add a new user/machine to CloudConnect. There are three main steps. Set up a new user in the CloudConnect database Add TaxCalc to the computer Log in as the user for the first time Please Note: The following information will be required in...
rating 23 Oct, 2024 Views: 10560
Top Tips and Tricks
Here are a few tips and tricks to help you in TaxCalc! Communications Centre These articles provide you with tips and tricks you can use within Communications Centre. Can I turn on automation for all clients at the same time? How do I edit a default Email template? Practice...
rating 25 Mar, 2025 Views: 10490
How do I create a Client Questionnaire?
To create a Client Questionnaire, follow these instructions: Please note: you should ensure MS Word is not already open. Open Practice Manager Select Communications from the left-hand menu. Select Create Client Questionnaire from the left-hand menu. Click on Continue through to Criteria. ...
rating 25 Feb, 2025 Views: 9721
How do I customise Practice Manager?
The main Practice Manager area is very flexible, allowing you to choose the information you see at a glance. Rather than displaying a simple client list, with client codes and names, you can display items such as the tax return status, Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) and details of when the latest...
rating 20 Apr, 2023 Views: 9682
How do I setup a user?
When TaxCalc is set up on a network, each person who will be logging in needs to have their own user account. Only one person can be logged in as the hub admin user. If someone else tries to log in as the hub admin user at the same time, they will force the other person off the system. This...
rating 23 Oct, 2024 Views: 9354
How do I edit an existing Mail Merge template?
Existing Mail Merge templates often include some practice-specific information that you need to complete. You'll see this highlighted in yellow when you create a Mail Merge document. You can edit this standard text for future use by following these steps: Open Practice Manager from the home...
rating 17 Jun, 2022 Views: 9087
Getting started user guide (Practice Customers)
This guide gives you an overall picture on how to create new clients, set up the application and get started with Tax Return Production and Accounts . Please see the video below for information on getting started. Alternatively this has also been detailed below in writing. PLEASE NOTE: This...
rating 29 Mar, 2022 Views: 8890
How do I update the relationship details in Accounts Production (Refresh List)?
In instances where changes are made to relationships within Practice Manager, if an accounting period already exists, you will need to force a refresh for these changes to take place on the financial statements. To do this, you will need to go to the Officers page within Client Information and...
rating 13 Apr, 2023 Views: 7810
How to create 64-8 and engagement letters for new clients?
TaxCalc can automatically help you create a 64-8 and an engagement letter when you create and save a new client. If the engagement status of the client is New (shown under the Engagement screen),then TaxCalc will ask if you want to create a 64-8 and/or an engagement letter when you save the...
rating 23 Oct, 2019 Views: 5595
How do I restore an archived or deleted client?
To restore an archived client, follow these steps: Go to Practice Manager from the home screen. In the search panel at the top, click the down arrow and the drop-down will expand. Select Archived clients if available (see How to archive or delete a Client/Contact). If the client...
rating 15 Feb, 2023 Views: 5505
How do I use Mail Merge?
Mail Merge allows you to export client data into Microsoft Word documents, including letters and forms. You can access Mail Merge via Practice Manager and Communications Centre (if you have the appropriate licence). You can review the video below for a step by step illustration of the process...
rating 19 Jul, 2022 Views: 5420
How do I create relationships for directors, company secretaries and partners in Practice Manager?
To create a relationship for a director, company secretary or partner who is listed in Practice Manager, complete the following steps: Launch Practice Manager. Double-click on the relevant company/partnership. Click on Relationships. Click on Create Relationship. In the wizard, select the...
rating 25 Jul, 2023 Views: 5062

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