How do I use TaxCalc's Encrypted PDF tool?

Article ID: 2585
Last updated: 23 Oct, 2019

Encrypted PDF is an add-on product provided by TaxCalc, that allows a return to be saved as a PDF document and then encrypted with a password. This encrypted PDF document will not open until the correct password has been entered. As the password is hard coded into the document itself, it will be requested by any application that attempts to open the file. The password can be set in two places:

Practice Manager

By setting a password within Practice Manager, the password will be used globally for all PDF documents that you create for this client.

  • Open TaxCalc > Launch Practice Manager
  • Select your client from the table then Edit Client / Contact from the left hand menu.
  • Select Security.
  • Enter a password for this client's File Encryption here.

  • When you next open your Tax Return or Accounts for this client, the password can be enabled by clicking on the 'padlock' icon from the floating toolbar when you preview the PDF document. This will encrypt the document with the password specified within Practice Manager.

Please Note: The PDF encryption module will only work while using TaxCalc Viewer. You can use it in either Internal Preview or New Window. It is currently not available for Mac OS or Linux.

From the PDF document

The second method can be used if you wish to set a unique password per document. 

  • Open a report in accounts or create a preview for your Tax Return within TaxCalc to be given the same floating toolbar as seen above.
  • When clicking on the padlock icon, if the Practice Manager password field is empty and you have a current PDF encryption licence you will be asked to create a new password.

Either of these methods will allow you to encrypt the PDF with a password. This PDF document cannot be opened until the correct password has been entered.

Setting a Default Password Generically

It is possible to set a default password type that can be used to generate encrypted PDF's. This can be done by going to Admin Centre > Applications > PDF Encryption > Customise PDF Encryption > Default Password

The default Password can range from either UTR, NINO /CRN, or Client Code. Alternatively the No Password option can be set.

Article ID: 2585
Last updated: 23 Oct, 2019
Revision: 11
Views: 1841
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