How do I import a return between non-consecutive years?

Article ID: 2067
Last updated: 21 Mar, 2024

The TaxCalc import process currently only permits data to be imported from the previous tax year. For example, TaxCalc 2024 will only be able to import a 2023 tax return file. If for example, you didn't need to purchase TaxCalc 2023 but you do have a prior year file such as TaxCalc 2022, the support team will be able to assist in rolling forward your data. You simply need to send in a copy of the most recent tax return file you have and request that the tax return file for the tax year be imported.

If however, you do have a valid licence for each tax year in between but have misplaced the prior year file, the quickest solution would be to re-complete the import routine as instructed below:

  1. Open the version of TaxCalc for the year following the return that you have.
  2. Import the return in the usual way.
  3. Save the return with a file name referring to the new year.
  4. Repeat the process for the next consecutive year, importing the return you have just saved.
  5. Repeat until you reach the current year.

Please note, you will need to re-download the TaxCalc software if this is no longer on your machine. If you need further information on how to do this, please see our article for Can I re-download TaxCalc onto my computer?

Article ID: 2067
Last updated: 21 Mar, 2024
Revision: 9
Views: 38906
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item Can I re-download TaxCalc onto my computer?

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