How do I send my tax return to TaxCalc?

Article ID: 886
Last updated: 19 Sep, 2018

In some cases when you have a query, the TaxCalc support team may need to look at the entries on your return.

You can send the return by following these steps:

  1. Open the tax return.
  2. Click on Help in the top menu.
  3. Click on Send Return to TaxCalc.
    1. Complete your details for Your name, Your telephone and E-mail address.
    2. Enter the name of the Support member who requested the return in the For the attention of box.
    3. Please enter a comprehensive description of the issue and what you were expecting the software to do in the Problem description box.

At TaxCalc we respect your right to privacy so by default your submitted returns are anonymised. We use the same level of security as HMRC do when accepting online submissions.

  1. Click on Send.

Please note: There is also an option to send a Health Check. You should only send this if requested by a member of the technical Support team. It does not contain the same information as sending a return.

Article ID: 886
Last updated: 19 Sep, 2018
Revision: 5
Views: 37982
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