Setting up a new machine or user on CloudConnect for the first time

Article ID: 2862
Last updated: 23 Oct, 2024

The following steps should allow users to add a new user/machine to CloudConnect.

There are three main steps.

  1. Set up a new user in the CloudConnect database
  2. Add TaxCalc to the computer
  3. Log in as the user for the first time

Please Note: The following information will be required in order to complete these tasks successfully.

  • A current administrator (or the hub admin) login to your existing TaxCalc CloudConnect system (this allows you to set up the users in TaxCalc)
  • The current licensing credentials for TaxCalc, this can be either the main account details (in the form of an email address/password) or preferably the Secondary Licensing Credentials which were set up at the time of the initial CloudConnect configuration

Setting up a new user in CloudConnect

The hub admin or an administrator level user will need to log in to TaxCalc CloudConnect to set up the new user.

  1. Log in to TaxCalc,
  2. Open Admin Centre
  3. Select Users > New User

Detailed steps on how to do this can be found in the article How do I set up a user? where steps 1-4 need to be completed. When complete, the user will of course be able to use TaxCalc from any machine that has the program loaded on it.

Adding TaxCalc to the computer

Users now need to download the latest installer for TaxCalc.

Important: Users can log in at this stage using either the main account credentials or the Secondary Licensing Credentials (set up when configuring TaxCalcCloudConnect security options)

TaxCalc recommends keeping the primary account details private and only allowing users to know the Secondary Licensing Credentials. These credentials allow the download and licensing of TaxCalc without giving other full account access.

See the below video as an example of installing with the secondary licensing credentials:

Alternatively please see the below written instructions.

  1. Login at using the secondary licensing credentials
  2. Download the software
  3. Run the TaxCalc installer (it is recommended to use all of the default options during the installation)
  4. After the installation is complete, on first run the program will ask for the licensing credentials. Enter the Secondary Licensing Credentials again at this point

Logging in as the user for the first time

Users should now be taken to the username and password screen.

  1. Enter the username and password created in the first part of this article
  2. If the user was newly created they will now be prompted to set their own password. Once this is done TaxCalc will open

TaxCalc CloudConnect is now configured and working on this machine.

Article ID: 2862
Last updated: 23 Oct, 2024
Revision: 15
Views: 10560
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