Unable to Print PDF in Prior Years TaxCalc

Article ID: 2731
Last updated: 30 Mar, 2023

If the PDF is not generating on a previous TaxCalc application, you may need to change the settings to either internal, external or save first. As versions of TaxCalc prior to 2013 required a version of Adobe Reader or another third party PDF reader to generate the return, the printing can potentially be inconsistent.

To successfully generate a PDF, follow through the steps below. Note that this will apply to tax years 2005 to 2012.

  • Open up the TaxCalc application
  • Go to Settings at the top of the page
  • Select 'External' as the printing option or 'Save First'

Re-create the PDF and it should be displayed. Note that for the option 'Save First' the document must be saved locally before it can be viewed.

Running a Repair on Adobe

In some cases, it is advisable to run a repair on Adobe Reader if the tax return still does not generate as expected. 

 This can be done by opening Adobe, then go to Help>Repair Adobe Reader Installation. The Adobe software will restart.

Generate the PDF again in TaxCalc and it should display on screen. 

Article ID: 2731
Last updated: 30 Mar, 2023
Revision: 7
Views: 64
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