Tips and Tricks
Uploading External Documents to an eSign Envelope
From eSign Centre you can send documents to your clients and contacts for signing. You can upload any TaxCalc document to your envelope, as well as any external documents from your computer. Within the envelope, select the Manage Documents screen. Click Add TaxCalc Documents to upload TaxCalc...
rating 04 Jul, 2023 Views: 105
Envelope Statuses
Within eSign Centre the envelope is assigned a status depending on its current processing stage. The statuses are: Created - the envelope has been created but not yet sent Sent - the envelope has been sent from TaxCalc and is pending a status update Sent to Client - the envelope has been...
rating 04 Jul, 2023 Views: 103
Communications Centre Notifications
Within the TaxCalc Notifications Panel you will receive the following notifications when: a scheduled message that is waiting in the pending queue becomes due. request for records/reminder emails are generated and are waiting in the pending queue. all users with a Communications Centre...
rating 23 Mar, 2023 Views: 98
Data Mine Shortcut
Within Practice Manager, simply select the More filters option to quickly open the data mine wizard where you can find a specific client or a group of clients depending on the conditions entered.
rating 23 Mar, 2023 Views: 84
Number of Active Jobs Displayed on Job Templates Table
Within Admin Centre > Applications > Customise Practice Manager > Job Templates, you can now see a count of how many active jobs are using any given job template.
rating 23 Mar, 2023 Views: 84
Opening a Relationship Client Record from a Report
Within a report that includes relationship data, simply click on the relationship and the client record will open in Practice Manager.
rating 23 Mar, 2023 Views: 83
Tips and Tricks Home Page
Communications Centre These articles provide you with tips and tricks you can use within Communications Centre. Using Custom Field Tokens in Communications Centre Request Records Reminders Communications Summary Widget Counters and Statuses Communications Centre...
rating 07 Dec, 2023 Views: 77
Adding Custom Field Tokens to a Mail Merge
If you have created any custom fields, you can add these to any new mail merge templates you create along with many other options.
rating 23 Mar, 2023 Views: 74
Creating Drop Down Lists for Custom Fields
Within Admin Centre > Applications > Customise Practice Manager > Custom Fields, you can create a custom field with dropdown options. You can add as many as you need. This makes it much easier for users to select the correct information for the custom field.
rating 23 Mar, 2023 Views: 74
Customising Jobs and Tasks Widgets
You can customise any Widget you have added to your Dashboard by clicking the arrow icon in the top right corner of the Widget and selecting Edit. From here you can change the Widget title, height and more. Jobs assigned to me and Tasks assigned to me Widgets, give you an overall view of work to...
rating 04 Jul, 2023 Views: 70
Communications Summary Widget Counters and Statuses
From the Communications Summary screen you can see all your communications activity at a glance. No email addresses - the number of clients and contacts that do not have an email address. Emails – the number of emails that have been sent or are scheduled, plus any pending requests and...
rating 23 Mar, 2023 Views: 68
Setting Automatic Envelope Reminders
You can set an automatic reminder to be sent to any signing party for eSign envelopes. An ad hoc setting is available from within your envelope on the Recipients screen. The default setting can be customised in Admin Centre and be prepopulated for all envelopes. Go to Admin Centre >...
rating 04 Jul, 2023 Views: 61
Completing Tasks out of Sequence
You can complete tasks in any order. Checklist Tasks A checklist item has only two states, Planned or Completed. To complete a checklist item simply open the Job and from the Tasks tab, tick the completed item. You can tick them off in any order. Completing all items will automatically complete...
rating 04 Jul, 2023 Views: 56
Adding Tokens to an Email Subject in Communications Centre
A token can be used to populate an email with client information. Tokens are available for client personal/business information and a selection of tax values. Simply select the relevant options from the Token dropdown list. The tokens will appear by default inside the email body, but you can...
rating 04 Jul, 2023 Views: 55
Opening a Client/Contact from the Relationships Screen in a Client Record
Within the Relationships screen for any client, select Open Client/Contact for quick access to the related client’s record.
rating 23 Mar, 2023 Views: 52

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