How do I enter multiple share trading transactions I have from a broker?

Article ID: 815
Last updated: 21 Mar, 2019

Unfortunately, TaxCalc cannot deal with transactions where you have purchased shares at different prices at different times (including the 30 days, bed and breakfast etc.) also known as Section 104 holding. When entering the information relating to Capital Gains Tax, there are 2 approaches you can opt to take which are listed below. If you need further information on the Section 104 Holding and how to deal with these transactions then please see the HMRC web page​ HS284 Shares and Capital Gains Tax.
SimpleStep Mode

If you do not have a PDF document to attach and need to enter this within TaxCalc, you will need to complete the below steps:

  1. Firstly, you need to breakdown the information provided by your broker between shares disposed at a loss and a gain. These will need to be entered between 2 details.
  2. Browse to Capital Gains Tax > Asset Details
  3. Select Listed shares or securities from the drop down menu
  4. Enter an applicable description
  5. Leave the acquisition date blank
  6. Enter the Initial cost
  7. Enter the Disposal date as the last date of the year (05/04)
  8. Enter the Disposal proceeds to generate your loss total.
  9. Click on Further disposal
  10. Add another disposal
  11. Complete steps 3-8 to generate your gain total.
  12. Go to Other CGT information
  13. Click on Click here
  14. Enter a manual text note explaining the processes you have taken.

For Example:

The information on the Capital Gain pages consists of 25 share disposals, 15 at a gain and 10 at a loss which gives an overall gain for assessment. Below consists of the information given by the broker. 

  1.  This will then populate the capital gains tax pages with the information you have and provide HMRC with the explanation as to what has happened throughout the tax year. 

HMRC Forms Mode

If a broker has sent you the details of multiple share trading transactions (as a PDF or paper copy), you need complete the below steps:

  1. Browse to Capital Gains > CG1
  2. Complete the applicable boxes on screen from the details provided by your broker
  3. Click Next Step
  4. Complete the applicable boxes on screen from the details provided by your broker
  5. Go to Check and Finish > Attach > Add PDF. If you do not already have the PDF then you will need to complete one of the two below options:
  • If the data is on your computer already but is in another format, you will need to use a software for PDF creation such as pdf995.
  • If you have a paper copy, you will need to scan the document to generate your PDF file.

Once attached, the PDF is saved within the TaxCalc file. If you make changes to your PDF, you'll need to reload this into the tax return. To do this, you need to

  • Go to Check and Finish > Attach
  • Tick the check box next to the File Name
  • Remove selected
  • Add PDF
  • Click OK
  • Browse to your file
  • Open
Article ID: 815
Last updated: 21 Mar, 2019
Revision: 10
Views: 3898
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