Bulk Creating Work for Tax Returns and Annual Accounts

Article ID: 3344
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2024

Using the Bulk Service Wizard means you can allocate and update existing services with specific fees and job templates. You can also activate jobs and create work for your clients in bulk for Self Assessment Tax Returns, Corporation Tax Returns and Annual Accounts.

Bulk Creating Work:

  1. Within Admin Centre > Applications > Customise WorkFlow, select the Services Offered option from the left hand menu.
  2. Click Bulk Service Wizard to display the Bulk Service Wizard dialog.
  3. From the Select clients tab, select the required clients and click Continue.
  4. From the Select services tab, tick the services you would like to apply to the selected clients, for example Tax Return and/or Annual Accounts.
  5. Click Continue to the Add fee/jobs tab and enter the following:
  • Fee basis
  • Expected Fee
  • Job Template
  1. Tick the Activate Job and Create Work checkboxes?

This will activate the selected Job and create the necessary work if you have selected Self Assessment Tax Returns, Corporation Tax Returns, and/or Annual Accounts.

Once you have selected to create the work, the work item is displayed in the Add work tab.

  1. If you have selected to create work for Annual Accounts, enter the start and end dates, and if required, tick the option Bring Forward Opening Balances.
  2. If you have selected to create work for Corporation Tax Returns, enter the start and end dates.
  3. If you have selected to create work for Self Assessment Tax Returns, select the Tax Year.
  4. Once you have completed the fields from the Add work tab, click Continue to review a Summary of the selected information as well as the number of Jobs and Work Items that will be created.

Please note: Should there be any issues with creating services or jobs, for example, if a work item already exists for the selected work period, a message is displayed to inform you that the work or job cannot be created.

  1. Once you are satisfied with your selections, click Update to update the clients with the services, jobs and work items you would like to create.
Article ID: 3344
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2024
Revision: 2
Views: 257
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