Can I Delete a Task?

Article ID: 3343
Last updated: 01 Nov, 2023

Within Work Management you can delete singular or multiple tasks.

Deleting a single Task:

  1. In Practice Manager > Work Management, select the Task you want to delete.
  2. From the left hand menu select Delete.
  3. The following message is displayed, ‘This action will delete the task. To confirm click Delete. This action cannot be reversed.’
  4. Click the Delete button to delete the Task.

Deleting multiple Tasks:

  1. Within Practice Manager > Work Management, select the Tasks you want to delete.
  2. From the left hand menu, select Bulk Delete.
  3. The following message is displayed, ‘This action will delete x jobs and/or tasks. To confirm click Delete. This action cannot be reversed.’
  4. Click the Delete button to the delete the selected Tasks.
Article ID: 3343
Last updated: 01 Nov, 2023
Revision: 1
Views: 83
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