Using Teams in WorkFlow

Article ID: 3116
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2024

If you have a WorkFlow or Time licence you can create Teams to group together TaxCalc users within your firm. You can also add different tiers to create hierarchies depending on your requirements.

This is particularly useful when assigning Jobs or Tasks meaning a group of users can have visibility of the current workload.

Teams allows certain permissions and functions to work alongside Security Roles, for example, the approval permissions for timesheets.

Creating a Team:

  1. From Admin Centre select Teams
  2. Select New Team
  3. Enter a Team Name
  4. Drag and drop the listed users onto the relevant Tier to create your team. 
  5. Click Add Tier should you require more than the default number of tiers. 
  6. Alternatively, select Remove Tier if required. 
  7. Click Finish and Save to save your changes. 

Editing a Team: 

  1. Select the team from the list. 
  2. Select Edit Team
  3. Make any necessary amendments. 
  4. Click Finish and Save to save your changes. 

Deleting a Team: 

  1. Select the team from the list. 
  2. Select Delete Team
  3. The following message is displayed, 'Delete Team. Are you sure that you want to delete this team? If this team is assigned to a Job or Task then the assignee will automatically default to “unassigned”, alternatively you can use the Bulk Update Tool in Work Management to reassign the Jobs or Tasks assigned to this team prior to deleting.' 
  4. Click Delete to confirm deletion. 

Assigning a Team to a Job or Task

When Creating a Job or Task, you can choose whether to assign the Job to an individual or a Team. The assignee or team members will receive reminders regarding the Job (if set) in the Notifications panel and can view their Jobs on the Dashboard view by using the Jobs assigned to me widget.

Bulk Assigning Jobs or Tasks to a Team

Once your teams are created and you have existing Jobs or Tasks to be re-assigned to Teams, you can use the Bulk Update Wizard to do this rather than editing Jobs and tasks individually.

Team Notifications

Members of the Team will receive alerts (such as reminders on Jobs) within the Notifications panel.

Article ID: 3116
Last updated: 27 Jun, 2024
Revision: 5
Views: 706
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