Capital Gains Tax- Share Disposals

Article ID: 2367
Last updated: 06 Jun, 2023

Unfortunately TaxCalc cannot deal with transactions where you have purchased shares at different prices at different times (including the 30 days, bed and breakfast etc.) also known as Section 104 holding. This means that you will need to complete the Capital Gains Tax section in HMRC Forms mode within TaxCalc to declare the information accordingly. HMRC Forms Mode: Capital Gains > CG2.

If you are able to find a calculator to get the totals required for the tax return, then you will need to enter the relevant information and then attach a PDF copy of the calculations applied. To attach a PDF document go to Check & Finish > Attach > Add PDF.

This can also be completed in SimpleStep Mode by entering the totals only and no acquisition date etc. SimpleStep Mode: Capital Gains Tax > Tick yes to say you have disposed of the asset > Asset Details.

If you need further information on the Section 104 Holding and how to deal with these transactions then please see the below HMRC webpages:

HS284 Shares and Capital Gains Tax
Tax when you sell shares

Article ID: 2367
Last updated: 06 Jun, 2023
Revision: 8
Views: 3113
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