Where do I enter overlap relief for self employment?

Article ID: 2106
Last updated: 27 Jul, 2020

You can only claim overlap relief using the Full Self Employment pages.

SimpleStep mode

  1. Click on Your Work.
  2. Select the Self Employment option.
  3. Click on Next step to continue to the Annualised turnover screen.
  4. Tick yes to the question Are any of the above true (or do you wish to complete the Full form for any reason)?
  5. Click on Next Step to continue to the Full Form - Details screen.
  6. Select Basis Period from the left-hand menu.
  7. Enter the amount of overlap profits brought forward in the Overlap Profit section 

Note: The first box doesn't appear on the HMRC form. It's included in TaxCalc to populate the data more easily.

HMRC Forms mode

  1. Click on Self Employment.
  2. Make sure that the Your Self Employment forms are set to Full.
  3. Click on Edit next to the Full Self Employment pages.
  4. Click on Page 4.
  5. Enter the amount of overlap relief brought forward in Box 68A – this will automatically populate Box 70.
  6. Enter the overlap relief used if applicable in Box 69. 

The following table shows you which boxes to use for previous years (HMRC Forms mode only).

TAX YEAR Location in HMRC Forms mode Box reference number
2008–09 to 2018-19 Self Employment Page 4 68, 69A and 69
2007–08 Self Employment Page 4 67A, 67 and 68
2004–05 to 2006–07 Self Employment Page 3 3.78, 3.79 and 3.80
Article ID: 2106
Last updated: 27 Jul, 2020
Revision: 12
Views: 3637
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folder Tax Return Production -> SA100 Individual Return