#3314 Inconsistent duplicate fact values (Bus: NameEntityAuditors) when filing my corporation tax (CT600) return

Article ID: 3197
Last updated: 08 Nov, 2021

If you encounter the below error message, it means that there is a discrepancy in the information presented in the iXBRL tagging of the accounts for the Auditors name.

If you are using the TaxCalc application to generate your financial statements, you will need to review the Auditors information in two locations to verify that the entries match.

  • Company Information page
  • Auditor's Report

To review the entries in TaxCalc, firstly open the client record within Practice Manager and click on Contact Information. You should review the Auditors name which appears in the address record, making specific note of the spelling and spacing enclosed in this box. If you have a space at the end of the business name, you will need to either remove this from the record (highlight the row for Auditors under the Address heading and click on Edit Address, remove the space and then go to Finish, Finish and Save) or include the space within the Auditor's Report Note as below. 

Illustration with the space:

Illustration without the space:

Once you are happy with the information within the client record, please open Accounts Production and go to Client Information > Address. You will need to highlight the row for Auditors and click on Choose Address and re-apply the Auditors address if any changes have been made as above. 

Then go to Notes > Edit Notes and locate the Auditor's Report. If you have the option for Senior Statutory Auditor on behalf of the audit firm selected, please then ensure that the name appears identically to that in the client record. 

Once you then Save and Close, you will need to re-attach the accounts to the CT600 and re-submit the return accordingly. 

Article ID: 3197
Last updated: 08 Nov, 2021
Revision: 2
Views: 1290
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folder Accounts Production
folder Tax Return Production -> Filing Online
folder Tax Return Production -> CT600 Corporation Tax Return