How do I switch between my live database and the demo database?

Article ID: 3067
Last updated: 20 Jul, 2022

When trialling a TaxCalc product you have the option to use a Demo Database supplied by TaxCalc, or your live database. The Demo Database allows you to practice using TaxCalc on a separate standalone database and trial its features without having to enter lots of data. Any data you enter into the Demo Database won't be cleared until the trial period is over. However, you can also use your live database on trial products, which means that any change you make within your live database will be saved should you decide to purchase the product.

This feature is only available for Practice products. If you’re not an Accountancy Practice please see our: our Individual, Limited Company, Partnership or Trust products.

You can easily switch between your live database and the Demo Database by following the steps below:

  1. From Notifications select Show details next to Demo Database Available:

  1. Click Download to install the Demo Database:

  1. Now click Switch to Demo Database:

  1. Click Switch to Demo Database when the following message is displayed:

  1. You will be automatically logged out and logged back in to TaxCalc where it is clearly displayed you are using the Demo Database:

  1. To switch back to using your live database select Notifications and select Show details next to Demo Database in Use:

  1. Click Switch to Live Database:

  1. Click Switch to Live Database when the following message is displayed:


  1. You will then be automatically logged out of TaxCalc.
  2. Enter your Username and Password to log back in:


  1. You are now using your live database:


Article ID: 3067
Last updated: 20 Jul, 2022
Revision: 9
Views: 478
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