ERROR: Dates shown in local (non-English) language on a Mac causes filing to be rejected

Article ID: 2663
Last updated: 15 Feb, 2018

Reports in Accounts Production on a Mac will be displayed in the local language if English is not the primary preferred language. This will likely cause returns to fail validation, as reports will be shown with dates in the primary preferred language.

The failure reasons will be similar to that pictured here:

failure message

In order to resolve this, the primary preferred language needs to be set to English.

  1. Open the Dock.
  2. Select System Preferences.
  3. Open Language and Region (you will see the following box appear):

incorrect languiage settigns on a mac

  1. Drag English top the top to be the preferred Primary Language.
  2. Restart TaxCalc.
  3. When reports are now run, the date will be in the correct format and should pass validation.

Article ID: 2663
Last updated: 15 Feb, 2018
Revision: 4
Views: 237
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