Using the Dividend Database

Article ID: 2109
Last updated: 20 Feb, 2020

This article shows you how to add dividend payments to your tax return

If you have imported your previous year’s return into the current year, click on Refresh to update all the payments made in the current tax year. If you have no changes to your holdings they should now all be up to date.

If you have changed your share holdings in the intervening period, you will now need to update/add/remove these new holdings.

  1. Go to the correct page in the SA100 tax return:
    1. SimpleStep mode – go to Other Income > Savings and investments > Shares and unit trusts and click on the wizard (wand icon) next to the top box for Dividends and other qualifying distributions from UK companies.
    2. HMRC Forms mode – go to SA100 Core Return Page 3 and click on the wizard next to box 4 Dividends from UK companies.
  2. Click on Dividend Database to bring up a pop-up search box.
  3. Enter the name of the company or the company ID number to bring up results in the left-hand section beneath the search.
  4. If there’s more than one result, click on the one you want.
  5. Enter the number of shares (SHS/CUM.PREF.SHS) held within the tax year to populate the dividend distributions received for all available dividend payments in that year.
  6. Click on Autopost to take you back to the dividends received screen where the applicable entries for that company will be posted.
  7. If any of these payments are not applicable, click on Delete next to them.
  8. If the holding during the tax year changed, change the amount of shares under the heading for No. of shares (associated with the payment date to the right) to update the autoposted figures.
Article ID: 2109
Last updated: 20 Feb, 2020
Revision: 11
Views: 5634
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Also read
item Dividend Database, useful information
item Useful information relating to the Dividend Database (2023-24)
item Useful information relating to the Dividend Database (2022-23)

Also listed in
folder Tax Return Production -> SA100 Individual Return