How do I customise Practice Manager?

Article ID: 1243
Last updated: 20 Apr, 2023

The main Practice Manager area is very flexible, allowing you to choose the information you see at a glance. Rather than displaying a simple client list, with client codes and names, you can display items such as the tax return status, Unique Taxpayer Reference (UTR) and details of when the latest return was saved.

This guide will show you how to perform the following new options:

  • Hide the right-hand information panel to give you more room for your client list.
  • Amend and save your desired layout of client information for ease of use and consistency throughout the practice.
  • Resize the columns and change their order to suit your tastes.
  • Display the tax return filters panel to see the practice’s current workload – which is great to use towards the end of January.

Hide the information panel

Launch Practice Manager from the home screen.

Click on (minus) in the top right-hand corner. This will remove the entire right-hand information panel giving you more column space in the central table.

Click on + (plus) to bring the information panel back again.

Add and remove columns in Client View

The default Practice Manager list displays columns for Client Code, Client Name and Client Type. You can also add a variety of other columns. For example, this could be the UTR, the latest accounts status or tax status for example if the return or accounts has been filed online OR if this has been sent to a client. You can also include previous years too.

To show or hide these columns (and the default columns), right-click on any of the column headings and select the relevant column name.

To save a column that you've added, click on the drop-down menu at the top right (showing Select Column View in this example).

Select Save Current Columns from the drop-down menu.

Enter a unique name.

Click on Save and Close.

To select and order the columns, right click on the Column header.

Select Customise Client List from the drop-down menu.

Click on the options under Columns Available that you want to see in your client list.

Click on Add >> to move them to Columns Selected.

To reorder the options under Columns Selected, click on an option and use the up and down arrows. The option at the top of the list will appear on the left.

When you've finished customising the list, click on Save and Use.

Enter a unique name.

Select who you want to share the view with from the drop-down menu.

Click on Save and Close.

Edit/Delete a view

To edit or delete a view, click on the drop-down menu at the top right (showing Select Column View in this example).

Select Manage Column Views from the drop-down menu.

A list of all saved column views will be displayed.

Click on the view you want to edit/delete.

Click on Edit/Delete View.

Click on Use.

Add or Remove columns as required or select Yes to delete the view.

Move and resize columns


To move a column, click on the column header and hold the mouse button down.

Drag the column to its new position.

Release the mouse button to place the column.


To resize a column, move the cursor over the column heading dividing lines so that the icon changes from an arrow to a divider.

Click and drag to increase or decrease the column width.

Auto resize

If the columns are too wide and don't fit the screen, a horizontal scroll bar will be displayed.

Right-click on the table.

Select Auto Resize from the menu.


TaxCalc will try and resize all of the columns (and the information contained within them) neatly onto your screen.

If this isn't possible – due to number of columns or screen resolution – the scroll bar will remain. Remember, you can hide the right-hand information panel for more space (see above).

Sort by column

Click on the column header you want to sort by. For example, to arrange clients in alphabetical order, click on the Client Name header.

Click on the column header again to reverse the order.

Display the Tax Return Filters Panel

Launch Practice Manager from the home screen.

Click on + (plus) at the bottom right of the screen to display the Tax Return Filters Panel. This will show the current status of the practice’s tax return workload. Click on (minus) to hide the panel.

Select Self Assessment or Corporation Tax from the Return Type drop-down menu.

Select the year from the Self Assessment Year drop-down menu.

Click on Refresh to update the table.

To filter clients that fall into a particular category, click on the number in the table that's underlined. Here you can see, for example, individual clients whose 2022 tax returns have not been created.

For Corporation Tax you can choose the CT periods to see which returns for example are not created:

Article ID: 1243
Last updated: 20 Apr, 2023
Revision: 12
Views: 9682
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