eSign Centre
E-Sign (Getting Started)
TaxCalc eSign Centre dramatically reduces the time spent obtaining client approval for tax returns, VAT returns, sets of accounts and any other documents. Simply send over an electronic copy of the documents for the client to check, then once signed, you’ll be notified immediately where you can...
rating 10 Oct, 2023 Views: 2716
Viewing eSign Activity in Communications Centre
Communications Activity in the client record is automatically updated to display emails sent to request signature and document signed. You can also view the signed document by clicking on the hyperlink on the Communications Activity screen.
rating 20 Feb, 2024 Views: 1383
eSign Credentials – Email already in use
If you receive an error message titled Email already in use when trying to send an eSign envelope, it is because the email address you are trying to use has an account with Signable already associated with it. You will need to enter a new email address to be used with eSign Centre. After...
rating 29 Mar, 2023 Views: 679
Updating eSign Company Name or Email Address
In order to update the Company name or email address, please complete the below instructions: Go to Admin Centre. Go to the Applications option in the left-hand menu. Select eSign Centre and select the Customise eSign Centre option from the left-hand menu. Alternatively, you can double click...
rating 29 Mar, 2023 Views: 600
"Unable to Connect" using TaxCalc APIs
Under certain conditions we have seen some reports of access to certain areas of the application through APIs (Accounts Production Trial Balance Imports and Document Manager) not working as expected. You may get the below error or the options within the Accounts Production import screen may be...
rating 05 Apr, 2022 Views: 482
Can I upload MS Word documents to an eSign envelope?
You can now include external PDF documents within your eSign envelope. This is particularly handy should you wish to send engagement letters to your clients. As engagement letters are generated in MS Word, you will need to convert them to PDF in order to upload them to the envelope. Converting...
rating 29 Mar, 2023 Views: 421
When an eSign envelope is sent, how do I view all documents within Signable on a computer
When an eSign envelope is sent from TaxCalc, your client will be prompted for signing via email (using the email address specified within the Recipients page). Please note that your clients will receive this based on the Signing Order also configured within the envelope. The email your client...
rating 07 Mar, 2023 Views: 253
Envelope Statuses
Within eSign Centre the envelope is assigned a status depending on its current processing stage. The statuses are: Created - the envelope has been created but not yet sent Sent - the envelope has been sent from TaxCalc and is pending a status update Sent to Client - the envelope has been...
rating 04 Jul, 2023 Views: 232
Unable to Open Document, when trying to upload a pdf file from a network drive to a new envelope in TaxCalc
If you get the below error when trying to upload a pdf from a network drive to a new envelope in TaxCalc, please review the below steps. After clicking ‘Upload Document’ from the TaxCalc Envelope ‘Manage Documents’ page, you will need to: Select the network drive where you file is...
rating 22 Aug, 2022 Views: 205
Adding Other Relationships to an Envelope
eSign Centre allows you to add different relationships to an eSign envelope. You can also add ceased relationships as recipients if required. On the Recipient screen, simply click Add/Manage Relationships and manage client’s relationships directly from eSign Centre. You can choose existing...
rating 07 Dec, 2023 Views: 192
When an eSign envelope is sent, how do I view all documents within Signable on a mobile phone
When an eSign envelope is sent from TaxCalc, your client will be prompted for signing via email (using the email address specified within the Recipients page). Please note that your clients will receive this based on the Signing Order also configured within the envelope. The email your client...
rating 07 Mar, 2023 Views: 169
Tips and Tricks Home Page
Communications Centre These articles provide you with tips and tricks you can use within Communications Centre. Using Custom Field Tokens in Communications Centre Request Records Reminders Communications Summary Widget Counters and Statuses Communications Centre...
rating 27 Jun, 2024 Views: 163
Uploading External Documents to an eSign Envelope
From eSign Centre you can send documents to your clients and contacts for signing. You can upload any TaxCalc document to your envelope, as well as any external documents from your computer. Within the envelope, select the Manage Documents screen. Click Add TaxCalc Documents to upload TaxCalc...
rating 04 Jul, 2023 Views: 151
Why have my Signable confirmation emails stopped sending the PDF documents as attachments?
A change implemented by our third-party software provider Signable (W/C 14th March), now means that upon documents being finalised and signed by all parties, regardless of how many signers are included on the envelope, the attachments are no longer placed on the email confirmation receipt. Instead...
rating 04 Apr, 2023 Views: 148
How to get rid of the eSign notification
When the envelope has been signed and completed by the client, the user who created the envelope will receive a notification within the TaxCalc application. Notifications ( Far top Right ) eSign Document Status > Show details View Document Click on the envelope Click on the cross under...
rating 07 Jun, 2023 Views: 118

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