The company Registration number entered in the Accounts does not match the registration number on the CT600
If you receive this error message it means that either the downloaded file is corrupt or it contains special characters that HMRC can't read. Corrupt file If you opened the downloaded file and then used File > Save As, it might be corrupt. The correct way to save a downloaded file is to...
31 Mar, 2017
Views: 1259
HMRC toolkits to help reduce errors in tax returns
HMRC publishes a series of toolkits to give guidance on areas where there are frequent errors in tax returns. These toolkits also set out steps you can take to reduce these errors. They are updated every year as required. The toolkits are available on the HMRC website (as PDFs) and cover the...
17 Jun, 2016
Views: 1257
How do I view, modify or import old CT600 returns? (Business users)
If you want to open a CT600 return made in an earlier version of TaxCalc, first try to open the file in TaxCalc using File > Open. TaxCalc 2007 To view a return prepared in TaxCalc 2007, check that you have the final release of the software (version 7.10.08): Go to Help > About...
03 Aug, 2020
Views: 1189
Why aren't the IRmark and time stamp appearing when I print a tax return?
If the IRmark and time stamp are on the top of each page, and on the pdf preview but don't appear when you print your return, check your printer settings: Go to the heading Page Sizing & Handling. Click on Fit. Click on Fit to printable area or Shrink to fit (or similar). Print document. ...
24 Mar, 2022
Views: 1068
How to enable notes on the corporation tax computation?
The corporation tax computation does not include certain sections of the calculation as a default. However, it is possible to manually include those sections if needed. To do this please follow the below steps; Click on Review Compuation on the left menu. Click on Edit Notes. Choose the note...
21 Mar, 2019
Views: 1021
Message from TaxCalc - Cannot replace the file (when printing/previewing or saving a PDF)
If you receive a message similar to the following when creating a PDF or previewing one, it means that there is an illegal character at the end of the client's name. The character(s) normally show as a space and are most often carriage returns caused by copying and pasting the name from...
03 Jan, 2024
Views: 1018
You have attached iXBRL Accounts to this return but there appears to be one or more areas where the content is 'malformed' (not correct)
If you receive this error message it means that either the downloaded file is corrupt or it contains special characters that HMRC's systems can't read. Corrupt file If you opened the downloaded file then used File > Save As, it might be corrupt. The correct way to save a downloaded file...
31 Mar, 2017
Views: 957
Why is the loss figure on my return shown without brackets?
If your return has one box for profit and another for loss, the loss figure will appear without brackets. Brackets are only used to denote a negative figure when the same box is used for profit and loss.
20 Aug, 2015
Views: 901
R&D Tax Relief Claims - additional forms required from August 2023 onwards
Information required by HMRC before submitting claims for all R&D tax relief 1. For accounting periods beginning on or after 1 April 2023, you should check if you need to submit a claim notification form to notify HMRC in advance of your claim. A claim notification form should be submitted...
21 Sep, 2023
Views: 851
How to create a CT600 from an Accounting Period
When creating a period for a CT600, you have the option of specifying the period manually or using the existing Accounting Period. To use the Accounting Period dates: Open Practice Manager. Right-click on the client. Select Open in Tax Return Production. Click on New Return. Change the...
21 Mar, 2024
Views: 832
Failure: inconsistent duplicate facts "AmountsOwedToDirectors"
This error message will be presented when attempting to file a corporation tax return or a set of accounts online if you have multiple entries present in the financial statements for directors loan account (one appearing in the debtors note and one appearing in the creditors note). The easiest...
31 Dec, 2018
Views: 819
I cannot delete a CT600 return from TaxCalc
In certain instances, customers have reported that they are having difficulties in deleting a CT return from the TaxCalc application. This is specifically in instances where users are on the practice interface and use our Accounts Production module too. We are looking to input additional...
22 Oct, 2020
Views: 793
CT600 Losses boxes - inconsistencies reported by HMRC
We have received correspondence from HMRC, as some of our customers also have, to alert us to the entries required in certain loss amount boxes within the CT600. The boxes affected are: 805/810 UK property business losses. 830/835 non-trading losses on intangible fixed assets. ...
14 Oct, 2024
Views: 717
How HMRC process CT600 refunds
If a CT600 return with a refund is processed without any bank account details, HMRC's system will process the repayment as a cheque. This is because their system does not store any bank account details previously entered (for example from other records, previous payments or previous submissions. ...
15 Feb, 2018
Views: 678
Changes to the CT600 form to include the new Northern Ireland supplementary pages.
As you may or may not know, HMRC have incorporated changes to the CT600 to cater for the Northern Ireland Assembly setting a Northern Ireland rate of Corporation Tax to apply to certain trading income. These changes were made in preparation for the rate of tax changing in April 2018. This...
29 Mar, 2023
Views: 608