CT600 (version 3) Important Information
This form is used for periods starting on or after 1st April 2015. After a successful beta of this return type, online filing has been enabled. If you do notice anything unusual, you should report it to the Support Team at support@taxcalc.com. Please note that the 2015 CT form no longer has a...
04 Apr, 2023
Views: 2666
Why can't I print PDF attachments?
TaxCalc can only print PDFs created using versions 1.4 to 1.7. To check the version of your PDF, complete the following steps: Open the PDF document. Click on File in the left-hand corner. Click on Properties. Check the version number in the pop-up window. If you can't print the PDF,...
17 Feb, 2021
Views: 2653
How to change from limited by guarantee to limited by shares and vice versa once a client has been set up.
1. In Practice Manager select the client and select Edit Client/Contact. 2. Select Company Information. 3. The Type of Company field is greyed out, which means it cannot be amended at present. 4. To be able to amend the Type of Company you must first delete any relationships setup. ...
06 Sep, 2023
Views: 2412
How do I fix problems with print preview in TaxCalc?
If you're having problems with print preview, follow these steps to reinstall Adobe Acrobat Reader: Uninstall the program: Start > Control Panel > Uninstall a program Uninstall any instances of Adobe Reader Reboot your PC. Go to the Adobe website for the latest version of...
13 Mar, 2017
Views: 2367
Filing a CT600 for a non-resident company
From 6 April 2020, non-UK resident companies including those who invest in UK property through collective investment vehicles (CIV) will need to pay Corporation Tax instead of Income Tax on profits from UK property. This will require submission of an annual corporation tax return (CT600) and...
09 May, 2022
Views: 1826
#3314 Inconsistent duplicate fact values (core:PropertyPlantEquipment) when filing to HMRC
When filing a CT600 online to HMRC, you may experience the below error message: As you can see by the location listed, HMRC are refusing the submission based on the attached accounts, specifically in reference to the values listed and tagged under Property, Plant and Equipment. We recommend...
28 Mar, 2022
Views: 1529
What is a 5093 Invalid authentication type error?
When you receive the 5093 error message, this is because the UTR details entered when attempting to file are incorrect, or they do not match what HMRC are expecting. This message is sent directly from HMRC as the portal does not recognise the UTR for the chosen service. This error is common...
09 Jun, 2021
Views: 1462
How does the CT600 calculate tax for a period that straddles 1 April 2023 with the 25% main rate change?
From 01/04/2023, HMRC have increased the main rate of corporation tax from 19% to 25%. The small profit rate of 19% remains for *companies with profits under £50,000. *Small profit rate is not available from 1 April 2023 for Close investment-holding companies Non-UK resident companies ...
13 Mar, 2024
Views: 1452
How do I enter creative tax credit on my CT600?
Creative industry tax reliefs are a group of tax reliefs that allows qualifying companies to increase their amount of allowable expenditure and thereby reduce the corporation tax liability. In case the company incurs a loss during the period, you will be able to a surrender this loss and convert...
23 May, 2023
Views: 1391
Can I submit to HMRC and Companies House at the same time?
Joint filing of accounts to HMRC and Companies House which HMRC offer is exclusive to them at the moment so no third party providers can do this via a tax return submission. Therefore, any third party application would need to file to HMRC and Companies House as part of a separate process. In...
29 Mar, 2022
Views: 1302
1046 - I am trying to file a limited company tax return (CT600) for myself or friends and family
The best course of action is to attempt the below to verify your account setup and the UTR required for the submission. Step 1: Are you able to successfully log in to the HMRC government gateway portal? TaxCalc has the ability to import the entries for the HMRC User ID and password (if imported...
29 Jun, 2021
Views: 1297
Audio-Visual Expenditure Credit (AVEC) and Video Games Expenditure Credit (VGEC)
The new Audio-Visual Expenditure Credit (AVEC) will replace the current film, high-end TV, animation and children’s TV tax reliefs. Under AVEC companies will instead receive an above the line tax credit based on qualifying expenditure. These will be taxable. The new Video Games Expenditure...
27 Jun, 2024
Views: 1248
HMRC toolkits to help reduce errors in tax returns
HMRC publishes a series of toolkits to give guidance on areas where there are frequent errors in tax returns. These toolkits also set out steps you can take to reduce these errors. They are updated every year as required. The toolkits are available on the HMRC website (as PDFs) and cover the...
17 Jun, 2016
Views: 1245
The company Registration number entered in the Accounts does not match the registration number on the CT600
If you receive this error message it means that either the downloaded file is corrupt or it contains special characters that HMRC can't read. Corrupt file If you opened the downloaded file and then used File > Save As, it might be corrupt. The correct way to save a downloaded file is to...
31 Mar, 2017
Views: 1243
#3314 Inconsistent duplicate fact values (Bus: NameEntityAuditors) when filing my corporation tax (CT600) return
If you encounter the below error message, it means that there is a discrepancy in the information presented in the iXBRL tagging of the accounts for the Auditors name. If you are using the TaxCalc application to generate your financial statements, you will need to review the Auditors...
08 Nov, 2021
Views: 1205