Incorrect customer account details - TaxCalc could not recognise...

Article ID: 2394
Last updated: 14 Feb, 2024

The Incorrect customer account details screen (pictured) will be shown if you are connecting to TaxCalc using incorrect or out of date account details.

incorrect customer account details

This will only happen if:

  • your account email address has been changed through the TaxCalc website
  • your account password has been reset.

If these details have been reset, they will need to be re-entered in the box above to validate the new credentials.

If you do not know these details, you will need to speak to the main account holder for the correct credentials.

If you are the main account holder and you have forgotten your password, you can reset the password by following the Forgotten Password link: Reset a forgotten password (valid email address required).

IMPORTANT – If you do not know the account email address, TaxCalc Support will not be able to give you these details or reset them for you.

If you do not have access to the email account (to let you reset the password) or cannot remember the email address you registered with, please contact TaxCalc Support for the next steps. You can email Support through the contact form (including as much detail as possible) or call us during support hours.

Advanced security users only: If you have advanced security set on your account you can also enter the secondary licensing credentials at the screen above.

Please note in some cases your account may be locked and our article, My TaxCalc Account has been locked, goes into more information around this.

Article ID: 2394
Last updated: 14 Feb, 2024
Revision: 21
Views: 18860
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item Can I re-download TaxCalc onto my computer?
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