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Is it possible to filter the Work Management list by "Work Item Status" for certain jobs where I do not process the work within TaxCalc, e.g. Payroll?

You can filter the Work Management list by Work Item Status for Non-TaxCalc Work, for example Payroll.

  1. In Admin Centre > Applications > Practice Manager (Plus) select Activity Types from the left-hand menu.
  2. Select the Activity Type from the list and click Edit.
  3. From the Edit Activity Type dialog, select the option Create Non-TaxCalc Work and click Update.
  4. Click Finish and Save to update your changes.
  5. Once the Non-TaxCalc Work activity is enabled, from the Work Management screen in Practice Manager, select Filter.
  6. Select your Non-TaxCalc Work related activity type from the Activity Type dropdown list.
  7. The Work Item Status dropdown list is then enabled, and you can select the work item status you wish to filter the table by.

Please note: This is also applicable to the Active Work table.