Email to friend
Multiple emails allowed. Separate with commas

Adding signatures to your mailbox

You have the option to add firm wide or user specific signatures.

  1. Within Admin Centre, select Firm Details or Users.
  2. Select the relevant office or user and click Edit Office/Edit User.
  3. Select Outgoing Email Settings and choose the mailbox from the list.
  4. Click Mailbox Signature.

The Signature Editor dialog is displayed

  1. Enter the relevant signature content within the main body and use the formatting options to customise as required.

Please note: Content can be copied and pasted into the signature editor from another source, however all clipboard content may not apply as expected. Should content not copy as expected, manually enter/format. Should an image not paste as expected then use 'Insert image'.

  1. Select from the options to Add link or Insert image (a link can be added to text or an image. To insert the image, select the image and click Add link).
  2. Click Save.

The table will show Set under the Signature column.