Email to friend
Multiple emails allowed. Separate with commas

How do I edit a default Email template?

It is not possible to edit a default template.  However, the content can be copied on to a new template which can then be edited. 

  1. Within Communications Centre select Email Templates, select a default Template and click the link under the name Column. 

  1. From the View message template dialog, drag and highlight the message content, right click and select Copy

  1. Close.

  1. Select Create template, right click in the message content field and select Paste. 

  1. Add a Name/Subject and update the content as required. 

  1. Select Create

  1. The template will appear under the category System. Click and drag the template in to the required category.  (Note: To create a new category select the cog icon > Manage categories > Create category

More information on Email templates can be found within our Getting Started Guide or in app Videos.

For more information on Communications Centre, please see KB3199 Communications Centre: Collateral.