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Problems encountered when backing up or restoring TaxCalc

There are currently no known issues with the backup or restore routines in TaxCalc. However if there are problems that occur then it is recommended to check the following attributes:

  • When restoring a backup, make sure that the file format is correct for the database type you are running. For example, a standalone Sqlite backup cannot be restored on a Network PostgreSQL database or vice versa.
  • When restoring a backup from external storage then you may receive an error with write speeds due to the size of the backup and speed of the media.
  • When taking a backup, check that you are backing up to a location that has enough space to store the file and that the specified drive can be accessed easily.

If there are still issues with backups, then it is recommended to contact the support team. 

Sending a Healthcheck from TaxCalc will assist support in dealing with your problem, go to Help > Send Health Check to TaxCalc, and complete the information requested.

You can also send a manual Healthcheck by following the instructions in the Knowledge Base article How to send a manual Health check.