How do I populate an Email with tax information from a previous tax year?

Article ID: 3220
Last updated: 29 Mar, 2023

Within Send Message you can populate your email with tax information from the current or historic tax years. 

Within the message content field under Create message a Tax Year field is available (adjacent to the Seach tokens field).   

The Tax Year selected here will determine what the CURRENT tax year is.  Any token relating to the Current Year tax will pick it’s values up from that years tax return. 

The PREVIOUS tax year tokens will then pick it’s values up from the tax year prior to that selected. 

Please note: The same Tax Year selection is also used when generating a Mail Merge to make sure the appropriate tax values are provided. 

For more information on Communications Centre, please see KB3199 Communications Centre: Collateral.

Article ID: 3220
Last updated: 29 Mar, 2023
Revision: 4
Views: 179
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