eSign Credentials – Email already in use

Article ID: 2864
Last updated: 29 Mar, 2023

If you receive an error message titled Email already in use when trying to send an eSign envelope, it is because the email address you are trying to use has an account with Signable already associated with it.

You will need to enter a new email address to be used with eSign Centre.

After confirming the envelope credentials and sending your first eSign envelope, you can update the credentials at any time by doing the following:

  • Launch Admin Centre.
  • Go to Applications.
  • Select eSign Centre and click Customise eSign Centre from the left-hand menu. Alternatively, you can double click on eSign Centre in the table.
  • Go to the Envelope Credentials page.
  • Enter the new eSign credentials.  (This page will be locked until the credentials above have been set when you first send an envelope.)
  • Go to the Finish page.
  • Select Finish and Save.
Article ID: 2864
Last updated: 29 Mar, 2023
Revision: 3
Views: 679
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