Installing the Network Version

Article ID: 1237
Last updated: 05 Apr, 2023

The following guide will assist users through the setup, installation, configuration and first use of the network version of TaxCalc.

While the network version of TaxCalc is normally deployed where there are multiple computers, it is also on occasion installed on a single machine for either historical reasons or because it may be expected that expansion will take place with other machines added in the near future.

Please note: At the time of writing Mac and Linux machines can run as clients but cannot yet act as the server for a network version of TaxCalc. Please contact TaxCalc Support's technical team if you need advice on alternative configurations.

Do you have a Network?

TaxCalc appreciates that not all firms will have a formal network and so have built the software to run on as many types of network as possible.

If you have a collection of machines connected to a common internet connection you usually have the basis for a simple network that is quite capable of running TaxCalc: multiple machines connecting to a database, which is hosted on the machine you designate as the primary or 'server' computer. It should be noted that in most cases the primary machine (the one that will hold the database) does not need to be running a server operating system – it can run on any supported operating system as specified in the TaxCalc System Requirements.

On more formal or established networks, TaxCalc is easily deployed either in a traditional Client Server environment or even in Terminal Server/Citrix/Hosted configurations.

The network version of TaxCalc runs as two services on the machine designated as the server. You do not need to set up file shares or map network drives. This guide can be used for virtually all types of network.

The following steps are used to successfully install TaxCalc on your system:

STEP 1: Download the TaxCalc installer to your primary computer or server

One computer on your network needs to act as the primary (or server machine). If you have a dedicated server, you should use that. If there is no dedicated server, one computer needs to be chosen to act as the server/primary machine.

IMPORTANT: If you have been using the standalone version of TaxCalc, you will need to migrate the data with the help of TaxCalc Support's technical team.

The computer chosen should preferably be a desktop PC. It will also normally be left on all the time or likely to be the first computer turned on in the morning and the last turned off at night.

On the computer that you will install the primary/server version, open up a web browser and go to Log in using your usual customer account username and password.

On the My Products page, you will find a Download button. When you click on it, you will find a second page that contains some instructions and will invite you to download.

TaxCalc comes in three versions: Standalone, Network and Cloud. If you have the network version, you will see the statement below.

i understand check box

To commence downloading the installer, tick the checkbox and click on the Download button. If the text is different to the above, you probably have your customer account set to download the standalone version. Please contact our Support team to request the network version.

STEP 2: Run the installer on the primary/server machine

This step will guide you through the installation on the primary/server machine.

Once downloaded, run the installer. You may be prompted as to whether you wish to run this file:

do you want to run this file

Click Run to continue.

You are now shown the introduction to the TaxCalc Setup Wizard.

Click Next to start the installation process.

You are now prompted for the installation path for TaxCalc. It is recommended that you leave this path at the default. If you wish to perform a custom installation, please ensure you know the implications of doing so. More information on custom installations can be found at Performing a custom installation of TaxCalc (advanced users only).

Click Next to continue.

Users will now be presented with the Licence Agreement. You need to click I Agree in order to continue. If you require more information about the End-User Licence Agreement (EULA) this can be found at (where copies of all of our EULAs and policies can be found).

installation folder

When the next screen is shown, you are ready to begin the installation of the TaxCalc software.

Click Install to continue.

The main installation screen is now shown. Clicking on Show Details will show information on the progress of the installation. Toggling this button will hide or show the details depending on the current state.

You will be shown Installation finished! when this portion of the install is complete. 

Click Next to continue. You are now shown the final screen in the initial setup. Run TaxCalc now should be checked.

Click Finish to complete the initial setup.

STEP 3: Configure the primary machine to act as the server

As TaxCalc starts, it will search for hub databases. As there are no current databases, it should present you with the First Run Detected screen.

Click Continue.

You will now be shown the latest EULA again.

Click I Agree to continue.

In order to allow TaxCalc to run it must be licensed. Enter your website customer account details at this point. This is normally in the form of an email and password.

Please note: Users who have configured the Advanced Security option can use the secondary account login to download and configure the software. See What is Advanced Security? for more details.

Enter your credentials and click Continue.

At this stage you are prompted to create a new network database.

Click Continue.

The program will need to collect some extra packages to complete the installation. At this point it is collecting the database engine (PostgreSQL) and the Discovery Service.

Once it has completed downloading the packages, click Install.

Click Next to continue.

The next screen allows you to select Typical or Custom install routines. It is highly recommended you choose the Typical option. Only choose Custom if you are aware of the implications and you have read the Performing a custom installation of TaxCalc (advanced users only) article beforehand.

Click Next.

Now you are presented with the path for the installation to continue. As per the previous recommendations, it is strongly advised that you choose the default settings.

Click Next to continue.

You are now presented with a EULA screen for the additional components.

You will need to review the licence and click I Agree to proceed to the next step.

Enter a root database password. This will need to adhere to your local security policies (if applicable). To ensure security, we recommend using a minimum of eight characters, with at least one upper case, one number and one non-alphanumeric character.

Click Next when you have entered and repeated the password.

Please note: The root database password is required to restore a database, perform database admin tasks or reinstall the program. You must make sure you are able to enter the password if required. Do not lose it!

Click Install to complete the installer.

The database engine and Discovery Service is now installed.

Once the installation is complete, click Finish.

Click Finish on both of the final setup screens. TaxCalc will then begin to create the database.

The first run creates the database. This will take a minute or so; during this time you will see the Creating database... screen.

Once the database has been created, the TaxCalc Hub Setup Wizard will be shown.

STEP 4: Configuring the database on the server

The TaxCalc Hub Setup Wizard allows you to personalize the installation of TaxCalc to your requirements.

Run through the wizard, entering the details for your practice as required. More detail on the first run wizard can be found in the article The TaxCalc Hub Setup Wizard. Once complete, TaxCalc will prompt you to login and the installation is complete.

If you need to restore a database after the installation is complete, you do not need to fill any details here, apart from give the system a temporary admin password. Simply click Continue on the setup screens without entering data and then restore the database through the Administration > Database > Restore option.

If you only have one machine, the installation and of TaxCalc is now complete. If you have additional computers, continue to STEP 5.

STEP 5: Installing onto additional machines.

Run STEP 2 on your first additional machine. This time, when the machine starts TaxCalc at the end of the install you should see the Network Database(s) Found screen.

The machine that holds the database on it should be selectable from the second box.

Once the database is selected, click Continue and you will be presented with a login screen.

STEP 6: Troubleshooting

 If no database is shown, the first run wizard will start with the Create New Network Database screen.

If this happens close TaxCalc and refer to the article Database connection details not found (Cannot connect to database).

STEP 7: Post installation tasks

Now TaxCalc is configured on the server and additional machines, you can configure extra users and portfolios (if required). The How do I set up a user? and How to manage Portfolios articles will assist you in doing this.

Article ID: 1237
Last updated: 05 Apr, 2023
Revision: 12
Views: 9847
This article was:  

Also read
item How do I setup a user?
item Cannot connect to database error message appears when starting TaxCalc
item System Requirements for TaxCalc
item Performing a custom installation of TaxCalc (advanced users only)
item How to activate client restriction?
item What is Advanced Security?
item The TaxCalc Hub Setup Wizard