AML Identity Checks: Collateral

Article ID: 3168
Last updated: 08 Mar, 2022

TaxCalc’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Products helps accountants, bookkeepers and other finance professionals meet their obligations under the Money Laundering Regulations, which apply to their clients and their Firm.

Getting Starting with AML Checks

These articles provide a guide on how to use AML Identity Checks. For the AML Centre for please refer to AML Centre: Collateral.

General Usage

  1. Getting Started with Anti-Money Laundering (AML)
  2. How to access AML with a secondary account setup
  3. How to register for the Anti Money Laundering (AML) service?
  4. How to use the AML Identity Checking service through the TaxCalc program
  5. How to use the AML service through our website.

General Information and Terminology

  1. What is Money Laundering?


  1. Are there any prerequisites to running an AML Identity Check?
  2. Can an AML search be run on a company?
  3. AML search results for Powys residents.

Electronic Verification

  1. What is an Anti-Money Laundering electronic verification?
  2. Can electronic identification be used as the only source of verification?
  3. What are some of the merits of electronic verification?
  4. Does information from electronic databases qualify as acceptable form of verification of clients’ identities?

Article ID: 3168
Last updated: 08 Mar, 2022
Revision: 5
Views: 1162
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item AML Centre: Collateral