How can I send documents to Document Manager?

Article ID: 3095
Last updated: 15 Aug, 2023

You can easily upload your TaxCalc documents to Document Manager for secure online documentation storage and file sharing.

Uploading from the Connected Desktop

  1. Login to the SmartVault Connected Desktop.

  2. Within the appropriate TaxCalc module, generate the required file, for example, Accounts, Tax Return, Company Secretarial, etc.

  3. Select Send to Document Manager from the TaxCalc modules Check and Finish menu.

  4. The Send to Document Manager dialog is displayed.

  5. Select the documents to be uploaded.

  6. If required, amend the Name of the document.

  7. Click Send.

  8. The Upload File to SmartVault dialog is displayed.

  9. Select one of the following options:

  • Connected Desktop - to send the file to a folder manually selected in the Connected Desktop.
  • Inbox - to send the file to the Connected Desktop inbox.
  • Auto-Filer - to tag and automatically send the file to the appropriate Connected Desktop folder.
  1. The Upload Document dialog is displayed.

  2. Click Upload to upload the document and create the relevant client folders in Connected Desktop.

Uploading via the Print Option

If you have selected to Use System Default PDF Viewer, you will either need to select Save and locate the file to upload, or set the SmartVault Printer as your default printer.

  1. From your document preview, click Print and select the SmartVault PDF Printer.

  2. You also have the option to Export File to export and save the document in PDF format.

  3. Then you can either save the file to your SmartVault mapped drive or your SmartVault folder:

  4. Select one of the following options from the Upload File to SmartVault dialog:

  • Connected Desktop - to send the file to a folder manually selected in the Connected Desktop.
  • Inbox - to send the file to the Connected Desktop inbox.
  • Auto-Filer - to tag and automatically send the file to the appropriate Connected Desktop folder.
  1. Click Upload which uploads the document and, where necessary, creates the relevant client folders.

  2. A message confirming ‘Upload complete’ is displayed.

Article ID: 3095
Last updated: 15 Aug, 2023
Revision: 6
Views: 524
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